The two XM-L T6 got here today , that I ordered off ebay , P60 Drop in build ASAP !
Well, now I'm jealous... you're so lucky! Im still waiting on my XML goodies to arrive and haven't seen one yet. How do you intend to drive this? Got a link for the driver?
^mine is on order as of yesterday. will be driven by the 2.8 amp3 mode driver from shining beam
I did post in the Mods section my DIY P60 ... Has a link to the driver I used ..
I have to try a modified driver I think , to see if I can drive one XM-L @ 3A
First I will test the driver mod on my SST-50 , as it uses the same driver [ I think ] , but only draws 1.7A [ yeah Im disappointed ]
Sorry , cutter got the Xm-L T6's in , so I went and got 3 from cutter + one more T5 , so 2 x T5's and 5 x T6s [ 2 from HK ] + I ordered the P60 drop in from KD with the T6 just to see what driver there using , and to check the performance against my DIY pills .. If there any good , for $20 they would be hard to beat ..