This is my first post (and a review) on this forum, so I thought to start it from a little introduction.
I live in Israel, and like flashlights a lot. I’ve done quite a few reviews on some other flashlight related forums, and thought to post some here, as there is no such thing as too much reviews. I try to write the reviews in a way so even not very professional reader will understand what I am talking about, and I don’t rend to dive too deep into technical details.
This review will be dedicated to a new Olight flashlight, the M23 Javelot. I think it is very interesting, and will try to explain why.
1. Another dedomed tactical flashlight from Olight. The flashlight has a massive throw of 436 meters for it’s size.
2. Deluxe packaging (on that later)
3. For what it is, the price is not too steep, and it packs Olight’s 5 years warranty.
4. Can be further upgraded, as the bezel can be removed without any tools (at least in my unit).
5. VW Golf (Or Toyota Corolla). What Golf? What Toyota? I brought an example of a well established brand with a car that has gone through several iterations of improvements and upgrades, because it is how I see the M23. The M23 is an upgrade of M22, that was (and still) being manufactured for several years, and gone through a number of LED and driver upgrades.
Shall we begin?
Here we see a comparison of M22 and M23 specs. The de-doming effects can be seen in the increased throw.
The flashlight comes in a plastic case, that can hold it while not in use, as the different accessories supplied with the flashlight.
Here is a kit. Quite impressive.
Universal charger, also charges NI-MH/NI-CD batteries.
O-rings, lanyard
User manual, that also has a simple chart explaining the control of the flashlight, and brightness stabilization graph.
The controls are the same as they were in the last version.
2 3600 mAh 18650 batteries.
Here he is. I find it to be prettier than the previous version. There were not much changes, but enough for them to become easily noticed.
The tail button is now inside the tailcap, so the flashlight easily stands in “candle” mode.
The striking bezel has matte finish now. Still massive. The LED used is XP-L HI, the de-doming can be easily noticed.
The flashlight, like M22 can be separated into 3 main parts, the head, the battery tube and the tailcap.
The back threads are anodized, the forward are not, it’s essential for the control interface.
There is a coil in the head unit that connects the battery positive lead.
And here is a little comparison with M22.
The changes include:
1. Matte bezel
2. A different tailcap, that allows the flashlight to tail-stand
3. A bigger and a little softer button
4. A new Olight logo, a black instead of a red plastic between the bezel and the lens.
The tailcaps are not interchangeable, the newer is a little wider. The heads can fit both flashlights.
Anti-reflective coating can be easily noticed
How it is in real life? +*
M22 at the left, M23 right. WB - daylight
M22 at the left, M23 at the right. In real life it’s much,much better, not as green as on the photos
here is a comparison with ZL SC600W MKII . The Zebra is also not so purple as the photos suggest
The photos reflect what my eyes see in real life. Much nicer than the regular CW light.
A parking lot
Some numbers
A really well made flashlight, with a really luxurious packaging.
I’d like to thank Olight for providing me the review sample
Thanks for reading. Comments? Requests? Please write me, I will be happy to assist.