Hello everyone. Here’s my review on Olight Perun 2 Mini. It’s a powerful mini headlamp which is a good choice for your activities like trekking, camping, or indoors use. Thanks for watching .
“customized” aka proprietary battery, and no Anduril? Thanks but no thanks, OLight
But real thanks to @Weerapat_K for the great and informative review!
Thx for the Review! Awesome shots at night, really show how well the lamp can illuminate the surroundings.
My dad has one of these. I should have a few tint comparisons between a “Neutral White” Perun Mini 2 and a 4000K Sofirn HS10 somwhere. Build quality on the Olight is superb, but the sofirn wins by miles in tint and beam uniformity. If you need a headlamp for indoor use (while working on a car or something), it is also too throwy. Perun Mini 1 was better in that regard, so is the sofirn. For outdoor activities the more throwy beam of the Perun Mini 2 is actually awesome, as one can see in the review.
I love their magnetic charging, just wish it’d work without the need for proprietary cells.
EDIT: Found it! Sadly only a pic I had already uploaded elsewhere, and I can not remember the white balance setting of the Camera (Sony A6000). Both are on the lowest non-moonlight setting IIRC.
Perun Mini 2 Neutral White left, HS10 4000K (LH351D, Fresnel lens) right. To the bare eye, the HS10 looked neutral white, no tint visible, while the Perun Mini 2 had a green tint - not as pronounced as on this pic, but noticeable.
Also, the HS10 has a spill that smoothly goes down to 0, while the Perun Mini 2 has some harder transitions.
Perun’s lowest mode is lower than the HS10’s (was too lazy to enter ramp mode and actually try to match), but it is also more throwy, HS10 is more floody.