Since it has been asked multiple time, here is the disassembly of an S-mini :
Great video as always. Thanks!
This seems like a good place to ask: has anyone tried stripping the pvd from their bezels? I soaked one in muriatic acid once but it was too aggressive. Looked good once done, I thought, definitely acid-washed instead of polished, but nice:
Unfortunately it removed just enough metal that it no longer fit tightly.
Looks ok sitting there, but if you turn it upside down and give it a little shake, the bezel falls right out. I’m considering trying it again but diluting the acid first. Or maybe trying with something less aggressive? Any thoughts?
Awesome video! I just opened up mine. Now waiting for my 5D1 xml2 to arrive…
How about just polishing with very fine sandpaper and water/oil in the exterior and let the interior as is? goodluck!
@ emarkd: A narrow strip of teflon tape around the bezel might work. If you don’t mind permanence, epoxy or Loctite “stud and bearing fit” will do the trick.
Does one of you know the max star size I can fit in the light? Planning to put a hi cri xml in the light, but don’t want to reflow.
No one…?
Manny thanks, I would love to see more flashlight teardowns.
It`s a pity the same cannot be done to the blue around the button, it looks out of place now.