1- The greenish tint. It gets better on a 14500, but still bugs me.
2- The side button. It’s all but impossible to pocket carry (or leave loose in a backpack) without activating it at some point. YES I know how to lock it out, I want a different solution.
Hence, my question: Does anyone know if I could shave some height off of the button? Sand it down about 1.5 maybe 2mm would be perfect. Make the button almost flush with the chrome trim ring. Perfect solution (FOR ME.) No screwing/unscrewing or long button presses that drive me mad.
Been trying to disassemble but can’t get the bezel off. Tried jar opener method and a piece of bicycle innertube. Going to try making a tool from bondo….
im unsure of the button height. ( yours must be really sensitive & easy to turn on, as mine takes a bit of force to activate. I still “lock it out” anyways by turning the tail cap a 1/4 turn loose so it don’t turn on in pockets. I also swapped out the emitter for a 3200K XM-L2 to cure the green tint problem and make it much warmer and better color rendering.
If you disassemble the light, the pill is a little metal cylinder with a hole. Below the hole is the top of the actual switch. The switch cover is attached to the outside body of the light. When the button is depressed, a dimple in the bottom of this boot passes through the hole in the pill and clicks the switch.
It may be possible to make the light less sensitive by shaving down the dimple on the inside of the switch boot. This might be as simple as removing the pill, depressing the switch, then reaching inside with a small scissors or knife. Or it may be easier to try removing the boot from the outside of the light.
The GITD lens is just a diffuser that fits on that i made from this thread
The switch i made by gently levering out the retaining bezel, inserting a small magnet over the electronic switch, covering with a little silicone grease to stop it sticking then i put in some clear silicone mixed with glow powder, re-pressed the retaining ring back in and finally smoothing the silicone mix flush and leaving it to set.
Be very careful pulling the pill out (you can also push it out from the battery tube) but if your not careful you will rip/shear the nub on the bottom of the switch button off. If you can, once you have the head off, pull the switch outward while removing the pill to prevent damage.
I would love to know how you made that CRX. Please share what/how you did.