Hey there BLF. Although this light may subtract the B out of the LF, it’s still a very nice light. In the review I go over runtimes, output, beamshot comparisons and more. Going Gear provided this light for review.
It may take the B out of BLF, but the review is awesome. But seriously, we all have our budgets, and those with a copper fetish will have to have larger budgets!
Great review as always and appreciate seeing you here so much as of late. My only issue with Olight is the purchasing department for the tints they buy… So many other good tints out there, but at least the NW is an option…
Yes this. I wish the tint was better. The light just looks so good though. Plus it has a moonlight mode to please me… both of those go a long way in making up for the tint. My God… lately I have been sent so many things… I’ll think I’m getting 1 light and I’ll get 2, or 3, or 5. I can barely keep up. I think this is the 3rd week in a row where I’ve put out 4 videos. I know… sounds like a “real” problem.
Mmm…copper S2 Baton goodness! My old S20 Baton has been me favorite EDC for years but has only half the output of the S2-CU Baton and none of the copper goodness. I need one of these. Thanks for the review.
Thanks man! It’s a sweet light for sure.
I don’t like the olight clips with that bump… they don’t work well with my thick jeans.
Thanks for doing a nice review that makes me ask myself: do you really need this light? No, but …… (just kidding).
Which leads me, as an inhabitant of an overcrowded little country, to the next question: what about your neighbours.
Using a lawnmower plus flashlight in the middle of the night will end up in a visit by our LEO’s. Are your neighbours:
- dead
- deaf
- far, far away
- very friendly
- family
- terrified
I’m not nosy. I’m just seeking knowledge
Thanks for the review! Copper lights are nice and Olight lights are nice, what needs one say more?..
We have a house on either side of us and behind us…. The houses behind us are about 250 - 300 feet away… and we have large thick bamboo separating our yards. The neighbors on either side… one has thick bamboo and the other is about 150 feet away. I am careful not to shine lights in their yards or at their houses. Plus it also helps I have a shed… so it gives me a reason to wander outside at night. But most people here mind their own business.
I guess it’s only been a month or so but have you noticed any patina forming on the light? You mentioned that it’s uncoated copper. I’m one of those rare guys that likes patina so I would be interested in a patina update!
Pro tip: to encourage oxidization and patina on the copper you can soak the light in horse piss.
Let me go find a horse…
Accurate as of 5 minutes ago.
Thanks bro…. that looks nice… it will indeed age well! I had the brilliant idea of using Google image search and saw some wicked looking examples!
I also saw what looked like (in pictures) an 18350 option but could find no mention of it… do you know if there is one? Nevermind I just answered my own question with Google again and that’s the S1 Baton…
It would be nice to just be able to switch out the tubes without having to buy a whole new flashlight.
It’s a really nice looking light but I am not sure if I can stomach (meaning my wife will stomach) the $75 USD price tag…. I am still new to the flashlight world and everyone has been telling me it’s only a matter of time….
DO you know if copper Astrolux will achieve the patina also?
Are you talking about the tiny thrower the SC? It has a coating on it… so that’d need to be removed to begin the aging faster. I think the coating wears off after a while, but mine is still only lightly discolored in a few small spots, but mostly still new looking. I don’t know if the tiny AAA A01 is coated though.
As far as I can tell… the tube on my S2 is all one piece. So now, they wouldn’t be swappable.
Thanks for the reply,
Yes I was wondering about the SC being coated or not.