Hello all. My newest and best throw flashlight is the klarus xt12gt. I think its worthy of some praise because of its output and throw for its compact size. Making it a really versatile. But maybe it would be classified as a long range tactical carry as aposed to a dedicated thrower? I previously bought the thrunite tn42 as the ‘thrower’. Amazing beam but i returned it as it was so large. I seen it as too large for me to get much use from and considering the price, i thought it a bit expensive to not get used. Also having to remove battery carrier then batteries etc to charge, a bit of a faf because i like to keep things topped up regularly. Im really liking the look of the olight sr52ut as my thrower. The size i think would be just right, plus simple interface, excellant run times and rechargable. My question is for anyone who may have both or have used both is; Is the beam distance of 800m compared to 600m a noticable difference? Im asuming it would noticably put more light on a target 400m away for example. Any feedback would be much appriciated. Or in other words, would it still be a valid adition to the collection?
I had an Olight SR52UT.
It was a shelf queen…too heavy for me.
However, the onboard USB charging is useful. It throws, the beam is nice and the hotspot really clean with a large Spill.
I always felt that it was underpowered, surely because of the weight. When you can get 3000 lumens from a similar form factor SR mini, the anemic 1100 lumens from the SR52UT are a bit underwhelming. But it’s not the purpose of this light !
I would prefer an M2X or even M3X for an Olight thrower. No onboard charging though.
Thanks for reply, oh dear. This is what concerns me. Will it fail to impress when ive already got the xt12gt putting out 1600 lm. I think id like the heft of when out but its not going in your pocket! I suppose for a search light the sensible output providing good runtime and no overheating is important. But 99% of the time its ptobably going to be a toy lol. Im still keen but unsure. If it had the slight boost to match the m3x then id have no doubt.
Olight and Klarus are very good brand, I have one g30 and I have nothing to complaint.
In this case (for me) I go for the beam pattern, I always go with larger spill this make more usefull in almost all situations.
The heat case basically depends of mass of light and power of leds, small lights heats fast because have small amount of mass and short area to dissipate the heat from environment.
An update, i have decided to go for the m3xs ut javelot from olight. No on board charging but better throw capabilities than sr52ut,(By the spec anyway) And as far as charging, far quicker to remove and charge the 2 batteries than the 4 in the thrunite tn42 with the battery carrier etc. Its arrived, size wise, vey neat and practical compared to the tn42. Quality feels to be the best ive ever handled. Just lacking a little greese on the threads. Functions all well, just waiting for some darkness to fall now to see it in action!
Those are great news !
It’s a really nice thrower, with good regulated output thanks to the buck driver and 2 cells configuration !
Its light weight allows to carry it easier and the overall format gives an old school vibe that I liked.
I shouldn’t have sell mine…but at least it’s really used now !
The beam is great, even on the low, i can light up a hedge 200m away. Done a runtime test last night with 2 fully charged panasonic ncr18650b’s on board. At the mid (600) setting, 3 hr 20 min. Low voltage blinking at 3hr mark, but no dimming until shutdown. Re activated and quickly changed to the low mode and kept that on for another couple of hours before deciding to end the test and go to bed. Olight only specify runtimes with the cr123 batteries which is alot less and not helping themselves in my opinion. But im happy wth that, 3 hrs 20 min of flat 600lm. The tint is a little yellow ish as everyone has said before but for looking across farmland, i like it more so than the cool white of my othe lights. All in all, very pleased, would highly reccomend, and thanks for the reccomemdation x3.
Yeah I found the tint to be greenish but having owned both M2X and M3X, I can say that the warmer tint of the M3X cut fog far easily and throws further through it.
Glad to know that you like it
Hi Stephens.
I’ve also got the Klarus XT12GT and am considering to buy the Olight M2X-UT. They are priced the same in South Africa. I like the Klarus, but need more throw!! Would you post some pics comparing the 2 flashlight’s throw.
The XT12GT is a small challenger.
If you consider the Olight M2X-UT, also consider the Niwalker BK-FA09S https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/44734
I didn’t buy the olight sr52ut. I decided for the m3x javalot instead and the beams are completely different. The m3x is a dedicated thrower and throws very well even on its lowest setting. The klarus due to its smaller reflector needs all that power to produce some reasonable throw. I believe an m2x would still be a noticable improvement over the klarus for throw. But i can only comment on and reccomend the m3xs. I can’t do a comparison unfortately because a couple of times the klarus died on me and wouldnt power up without taking out and putting back in the battery. So i returned it. Diddnt really get on with the 2 tailcap buttons either or like the loose cigar grip ring. Was a nice beam on full power though. But still weak beyond 300 meters whereas the olight is stong to 500 and beyond. (1000m ansi standard)
#also, my name is Stephen, not Stephens, but i cant see how to change username in the edit section,i can see how to change password etc, anybody know how?
Also, Alexandersmit1, im not sure how to do the links etc. But if you check out youtube, theres a video comparing the m23, m2x and m3xs, thats a good comparison and think of the klarus as being closest to the m23 for beam profile, different tint obviously.