looks very nice.
Looks super nice :sunglasses:
I love the M1T, but I’m still on the doubt to get one of the i3T (probably the “normal” version)! This copper one, however, is sweet
u should get one, if not in copper then normal version, its a very nice light to have for sure.
Ahah, I’m taking care of it already Not the copper one, I mean!
Thanks for reinforcing the idea :+1:
The aluminium i3T is my current EDC, replacing an aluminium Nichia Tool AAA.
My favourite thing about it is the two-mode UI. I find that for quick EDC tasks I generally want either just enough light to see without disturbing anyone, or as much light as possible.
I’ve found that I don’t really miss the high-CRI neutral white for things I use it for like like checking my letter box and finding things under the couch.
Although I prefer the smaller size of the tool I haven’t found the i3T too bulky.
Having said all that I’m still planning to get both a copper i3T and a copper Tool eventually.
Global limited quantity, 10,000 units produced so its more then i thought it would be so good change snatching one.
For those lucky in USA olight will do a flash sale next week 25% off.
AVAILABLE on October-22-2018: 25% OFF 1.00-3.00 PM.
Interesting i have the normal version and i quite like it. Not sure i need it in cooper though.
Just ordered 3 Olight I3T Copper today. Great little AAA in CU.
Use coupon code I3T25 at check out for a 25% discount.
I don’t care for copper lights but thank’s to you weklund for providing this code for folks that do. You people that provide for us flashlight nuts these codes, I give you all a great big THANKS!
I already have a copper AAA light… I already have a copper AAA light… I already have a copper AAA light… I already have a … :person_facepalming:
As usual US only. Because there is no world outside the US border apparently…
yes this is unfair, always discounts to US people… oh well
My CU i3T EOS arrived today … what a beauty. I did a one hour hard boiled egg patina process and it turned out great. Super nice little CU light.
weklund wow u are so lucky that looks great.
I just got my copper I3T in the post today.
Wow!!! I am super impressed with this baby.
I have had the black version for a bit over a month now and it has been used a lot, so I like the light and kind of ordered this just for the novelty of it but now having it in hand I am definitely going to carry this thing.
Initially I thought it would be to heavy but it isn’t at all, it has a very nice feel to it.
A very cool light and IMO at 30 bucks it is a nice deal.
Mine arrived today. Had to prey the box open with a crowbar but the light is really beautifull. Are they numbered? It's number 6171 and that's my day of birth . . . :-)
crowbar lol ? easiest box to open… yeah they are limited, 10,000 ex or 9999 to be exact congrats