On Hold: Venting Li-Ion in a Light

I’ll be able to resume in about four weeks when I get back, sorry for the delay.

Not sure if anyone will be interested in host fragments, but if there’s interest, I certainly can give the remains away, haha. :slight_smile:

all this work to build a li-ion pipe bomb when the vapers seem to do this all the time.

I’m back in Korea and have done a couple of more tests, but nothing too exciting I’m afraid.

I blew up a lipo cellphone battery, which wasn’t too special. (No flames, just venting.)

I tried two 18650s from Tesla and the thermal/current/voltage protection fuse must have tripped, and now I’m getting an open circuit, just like last time. Tesla may have made the cells (the markings didn’t yield any search results) and I’m sure they they put a lot of thought into safety, so I’m not surprised nothing happened, although they heated up significantly to about 70C.

I did shoot a video, but I don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time.

I’ll give a red Sanyo 2600mAh a try and if that doesn’t work an orange LG 2800mAh sometime this week.

It seems that we should not afraid explosion of unprotected brand 18650 cells(Pana,LG,Samsung,Sony etc.). They should not explode; They should went right?

Venting is especially dangerous in flashlights because it’s air-tight and the pressure can build up and the light can turn into a grenade. Not so much in open air though, although it’s a fire hazard.

Don’t click if the NSA is onto you: Pressure cooker bomb - Wikipedia

I have first hand experience that a Keep Power 26650 5200mah will vent and explode when shorted.

Did this happen during use of flashlight, or bad charger or it is shorted by your mistake?

ryansoh3 wrote:

I’m back in Korea and have done a couple of more tests, but nothing too exciting I’m afraid.

I blew up a lipo cellphone battery, which wasn’t too special. (No flames, just venting.)

I tried two 18650s from Tesla and the thermal/current/voltage protection fuse must have tripped, and now I’m getting an open circuit, just like last time. Tesla may have made the cells (the markings didn’t yield any search results) and I’m sure they they put a lot of thought into safety, so I’m not surprised nothing happened, although they heated up significantly to about 70C.

I did shoot a video, but I don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time.

I’ll give a red Sanyo 2600mAh a try and if that doesn’t work an orange LG 2800mAh sometime this week.

There's a bit of a mad scientist in you buddy. Thanks for the update.

I don’t even want to be in the same thread as that link! :cowboy_hat_face:

Opps. :zipper_mouth_face:

So nice to be free to talk and joke without fear of persecution. :expressionless: See something, Say something We are all required to keep a close eye on you now Ryansoh3. :cowboy_hat_face:

The good old days! When we weren’t all drafted into service for the nsa, fbi.

Oh no not a suspicious flashlight! I’m going to be reported 100x/wk now on my nightly walks if this is suspicious. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now this is a suspicious flashlight. :ghost: Suspiciously alien.


Man this is important data for all of us...Or maybe some of you guys don't want to know?

Did this happen during use of flashlight, or bad charger or it is shorted by your mistake?

I just came back from another trial and… no dice.

This time I tried two Sanyo 2600mAh cells, and neither of them did anything spectacular when I pushed 10A through them. The voltage did rise to 29.5V at the end, at which my charge just froze and rebooted. Probably a bug, but I doubt many try to blow up their li-ion cells intentionally.

I did shoot a video, but unfortunately nothing much to see. :frowning:

Sorry for the disappointment, but I think it does show how robust 18650 cells are compared to cell phone lipo cells. However, please don’t let your guard down when using any type of li-ion cells, they still pack a lot of punch!

Why so suspicious? What could go wrong?

I have faith man!

No, it wasn’t in a flashlight. I was “experimenting”, and it started to vent. I tossed it on the ground and after about 2 minutes it exploded. Copper foil went flying everywhere. Scared the cap out of me.

Experiment? Was it shorting, overcharging or something else?

Nice… screenshots from “LifeForce”… didn’t know anyone remembered that movie!