I have seen these for quite some time. I had some E-Bay bucks so ordered some AAA. My Eneloops are rated at 750 mAh. The EBLs are rated at 800mAh, at least the ones I bought. There was an option for 1100 mAh.
Anybody purchase these cells? Good results? Do they measure out alright?
they are cheaper than Eneloops, and I didn’t have great success with those LADDA cells I purchased at IKEA.
I bought some of the 1100 mah ones. As BlueSword pointed out they aren’t really 1100mah. They are more like about 720 to 750 is where the 8 I bought tested out at. They seem to work great though. I haven’t had them but for a few months so time will tell. I picked up some of their AA’s too and they work great as well and test out a bit lower than printed on the package but not anything like crapfire cells. They are rated at 2500 and test out in the high 2100’s to low 2200’s. The red EBL 14500’s are a bargain for what you get as well. I think Lightbringer bought EBL cells, had a issue with one, contacted their CS and was taken care of quickly. So it seems their CS is on the ball for any problems.
I have 20 AA EBLs that have held over over the course of 3 years.
I bought them with their 8 battery charger(selling this by the way) all at once pretty cheap on ebay.
When you have a kid they are a must lol
I can not say for capacity but, they all still take full charges and have proper voltage per my XTAR VC4 charger.
Thought you would like to know I just charged a EBL AA 2800 mAh that was in a carbon monoxide detector for 3+ years.
It took 2922 mAh to full.
So capacity seems pretty good lol
Every one I ever tried did not test near it’s stated capacity. The life of the cell in my experience is far below a name brand cell. Don’t waste your money.
I use Energiser AAA NiMh. Rated at 900mAh 1.2v
They have ALWAYS lasted a long time in my torches and meeses on Lappie.
NOT high output though.
Kodak Camera NiMh. AA. Rated at 2100mah 1.2v. Great for carry sized torches.
Soshine ICR14500 Li-Ion Rated 900 mah. 3.7v. 2.5A.
Panasonic 18650 Li-Ion. 2210 mAh. NCR18650B. 3.7v
And Soshine 26650 Li-Ion. 3.7v. 4200mAh. 15.54 Wh.
They run BCF L6 and an Imalent DN35.
With a 4 pack of Sanyo 30Q coming at $18.95US (coupon)
to handle the coupla high output 18650 torches I have on Pana “B’s” at present.
ALL new Mid range price. GOOD holding and output power.
OH Also half a doz each, LG and SANYO 18650 Li-Ion.
3.7v rated 2200mAh each. Hold charge at 4.00/4,12A.
EX Laptop packs. that are still used for running torches
with mid range outputs Comfortably
They are 4/5 yrs in Lappie’s (mine) and so far over 2 yrs in torches.
Only one DOA when I stripped them.
Don’t bother wasting your money on cheapies.
they are definitely NOT worth wasting either your time nor your money on.
Those above. all a fraction of Aust dealers pricing for same items.
When you look at official dealers O.Seas prices, for same items. and our dealers pricing.
It is NOT all tax on top. Some have very itchy fingers I reckon.
Set and forget for me. that work.
XTAR VC4 For universal with a mistakenly bought VC2 . Didn’t notice it was Li-Ion only.
drrrrr. (didn’t look) just took for granted it same as the VC4.
So bought a cheap Liito-kala Lii-202 to cover smaller unit for travelling in van./car.
THAT is a nice little item.
Dunno about NiMH, but I got their Li 14500s, and they’re pretty good, clocked in at-spec in an Opus 3100:
But I gotta say, they have excellent customer service. I had an issue with 1 cell that was a dud, and they sent me a whole pack to replace it! Took a little bit of crossing the language barrier, but once that happened, bam!, all better.
Reason I got the NiMh is old school stock.
plus several cheaper edc’s have burnt out when I installed the Li-Ions they say that they are good for Grrr.
3 so far. Including those MECO’s.
Wow. I had/have one of those cheep Rat Shack plastic-body lights (set of 4), and the AA with 1W LED, and just for s&g I stuffed it with a LFP cell (3.2V), and it lit up nice’n’bright vs an alkaleak. Didn’t have Li 14500s at the time.
I still got NiMH for “temperature extremes” (car interior, external lights, etc.), but I’ve gone 14500s for pretty much everything else exclusively.
Well, except for purposely burning down my unearthed alkaleaks…
I purchased 4 x EBL 1100mah AAA for a Protec Slyde flashlight. Advertized run time is 2 hrs , gets about 1 hr with the EBLs and almost 2 hrs with copper tops. Also checked 800mah on an OPUS charger.
I switched all the 3 x AAA lights to 1 x 18500 with 2 O-rings to help center them, works great, use protected ones of course….
Also purchased 4 x EBL 2800 AA, checked lower also.
VC4 does not have a discharge function, so it cannot accurately measure cell capacity.
Estimating capacity based on charge cycle can be very inaccurate.
Five or so years ago I was trying different Nimh batteries to see what gae the most bang for the buck.
I trid EBL and they did well when new, but did not last long or hold their charge. Tenergy Premium did well and I still have some that I use. No doubt Eneloop are the best if they don’t price themselves out of the market for some.
I just wrote a review on the NiMH 16 pack on Amazon:
Not even used batteries are this bad. These AA & AAA CANNOT hold a voltage and the capacity is a quarter to a third of the spec stated by the manufacturer. I've never seen this in all my experiences with NiMH, NiCD, Li ion, SLA. The picture shows the battery with the highest charged capacity. The other AAs were 200 mAh less. The AAA charged up to, at best, 300 mAh. An absolute waste of resources.