Opple Light Master 4 discussion thread (new 2023 model)

I received my LM4 today and wanted to share my observations:

  1. SBT90.2 on Wurkkos TS30S 5700K
    At low output levels, I get reasonable R9 and CRI readings. However, as I increase the output (5/7 in stepped mode), R9 behaves weirdly and hits 100.

  2. LH351D on Sofirn LH351D 5000K
    R9 is measured around 90, which is relatively high for this LH351D. LH351D is known to have poor R9 (one measurement I saw showed R9 of 70). In my skin test, my skin appears significantly paler under the LH351D compared to other R9080 Nichia LEDs. So, I suspected that my LH351D had a lower R9 than my Nichia LEDs. However, measurements from my LM4 disagree with my previous observations.

  3. DUV
    Calculated DUV measurements are convenient and still useful, but the numbers by itself is some what questionable. They seem to be positively biased compared to my LM2 and LM3. The DUV of my most pink light was measured -0.0073 on LM3 and -0.0079 on LM2. However, on LM4 it is measured -0.0030. Many of my previously neg duv measured lights are now measured positive on LM4.
    The calculated duv are still useful in that pinkish light still shows lower duv and greener lights shows higher duv. It is just that the numbers by itself may not mean much. (i.e. poorly calibrated)

In conclusion, LM4 is not terrible, but not as useful I thought would be.

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