I put one battery in to charge and it was fine, tried to put a 2nd battery in one of the other ports and it just showed Null so tried it in the other ports and it was the same.
I pulled the plug out and tried again and it initially seemed to be working fine with both batteries, within about a minute it had changed so the display was totally corrupt and randomly switching from one illegible display to the next.
I unplugged and left it off for about 30 seconds and tried again and seemed to be absolutely fine but the fan doesn’t appear to be cutting in, I may be being overly cautious and not leaving it long enough as if it’s just the fan that’s a cheap part to replace and don’t want to kill the unit by leaving it and overheating it.
If I unplug it, when I plug it back in the fan fires up for about 1 to 2 seconds and then stops.
Anybody any ideas what it may be and if the fan’s gone although why would it kick in when I plug it in if that is the case, it almost seems more like it’s the temperature gauge and when I left it charging for a while and the display went random maybe it was overheating at that stage???