Thanks, I’ll just buy one locally if I can’t find a suitable power supply in the…“collection” my dad has.
BT-C3100_manual.pdf.gif - Click to see more photos
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Thanks, I’ll just buy one locally if I can’t find a suitable power supply in the…“collection” my dad has.
I ordered one a couple days ago, realized I had ordered one with a EU adapter, tried to have this changed, and this morning the order shipped apparently before the ticket was resolved. If/when the charger does come, will any 5v power supply [that fits] work in this charger, or is there something special about the power supply Opus includes?
It uses 12V power supply. BTW my (EU) power supply is 100-240v - that mean you can use just a plug adapter and use it in US.
Thanks, I’ll just buy one locally if I can’t find a suitable power supply in the…“collection” my dad has.
You just need a real, at least 3 amp, 12vdc power supply if you don’t want to use an EU-to-US adaptor as mm166 suggested.
I’m very satisfied with the charger.
Thank you GB for your great support!
I’m very satisfied with the charger.
Thank you GB for your great support!
I am doubly happy, I bought 2!
I’m very happy with mine too. The number of features is impressive and it has been very useful in helping me go through my battery collection and determine which cells are no longer fit for duty.
We are very glad that you like this dream charger, thanks for your support! More discounted deals from Gearbest’s Special Deals, hope you like it! :8)
PS: Thanks most to Tatasal, we really appreciate for this wonderful chance to work with him, he is very responsible and
does this code work with Opus BT-C3100 V2.1 too?
I think I’m too late
If you try it and it does not work then all you need to do is PM and ask to re-activate the code. The worst they can say is "no" but the philosophy is usually sell, sell, sell.
Heres the link for the new GB.
5.11 update Hi guys, welcome to make an order for the OPus charger $37.99 for Opus BT-C3100 V2.1 with OP3100 ( clearance, when sold out we will not stock any more for this version) & $38.99 for Opus2.2 without using the coupon *4.22*Guys, Opus 2.2 has been released, and available in GearBest now if you want to get the new version groupbuy price ( $38.99 ), please go to this thread Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 group buy @ $38.99, now started. ( currently…
Heres the link for the new GB.
$37.99 for Opus BT-C3100 V2.1 with OP3100 ( clearance) & $38.99 for Opus2.2 without using the coupon @GearBest
Anywhere i can download the manual for the C3100/C3400?
Anywhere i can download the manual for the C3100/C3400?
Store and share all of your images @
Anywhere i can download the manual for the C3100/C3400?
thank you, link worked.
How about a new coupon code from Gearbest for the Opus C3100 4.2 version.
How about a new coupon code from Gearbest for the Opus C3100 4.2 version.
Is the 7.4 version out next month?
i think the most current version is the v2.3 firmware
Today, my BT C3100 V2 slot #3 is malfunctioning - reading higher cell voltage than actual - remove cell from slot, lcd still reads last value displayed - will not clear until power plug is removed.
Tested cells in my Xtar VP2 to verify misreading of BTC3100 V2.0
Anyone else have this anomaly happen with your charger?
My unit died this week.
What is the best replacement.
How’d it die?