Ordering at Farnell

Hi I have send those quantum tunneling stuff from 3tronics to MUX, a Dutch tweaker.

He makes it possible for Dutch and Belgian people to order at Farnel via his company
It adds €2,50 to the bill
And I talked about people from other countries with him and he is willing to have orders send to him and post them to people outside The Netherlands and Belgium for the costs of stamps.
Are there people from other countries having a company that can order at Farnell so people in need of those small electronic parts are not forced to order €50 and get a €8 non business fee added?

Here are some Dutch links for those interested and maybe German French etc etc can chime in and we EU far away from Mouser can benefit :wink:


Dutch blog about ordering at Farnel via Mux

MUX was asked to change name of ordering at Darnell