I managed to “perfect” (in the possible way) the beam in my Eagle Eye X3R with an Osram W1.
(Previous posts on it: 1 & 2 )

I took the gasket out (to lower the reflector near to the PCB and led, and to erase the ringy around the hotspot), and applied some electrical tape and GITD tape over the pcb (for insulation and GITD effect).

Not pretty, but better than it was before.

I managed to get that small clear light circle in the hotspot, that was not happening before :partying_face:

Besides this I also put an Osram W2 on the On The Road Z821 zoomable flashlight! The beam is awkward, but I am waiting for the night to test it outside and check how it behaves :wink:

The mod is here: “REVIEW”: On The Road Z821 - Zoomable – 1x18650 – 940 lumens [Pic Heavy]