Osram Golden Dragon lights?

When did you placed the order of the AA-S1? Is the ONLY item in the order or there are more items in THAT order?


Ordered 8/20 for the AA-S1.

Ordered 8/16 for the 501B.

One item in each order.

Thanks medieval10, when the order of the S1 gets "shipped" inform here!

Will do.

I got one yesterday. Order prolly a couple weeks back.

How do you like it? Got similar lights you can compare with in terms of brightness?

The question is for agenthex, but I can answer.

As most people at DX say, is a P7 in miniature (exagerating a little). You can light a whole room with it pointing to the ceiling.

It is a good flooder (not very good thrower). It has very good overall brightness, thats why I ordered a month ago (i am unlucky)

Now..... I am wrong? Do comments at DX forums are true?

EDIT: excuse me, I am talking when using 14500

Thanks for the input Fran. I think I'll enjoy this light.

How do you like it? Got similar lights you can compare with in terms of brightness?

I liked it, which is why I recommend it above . Especially the slightly warm (like WH) tint. Quite bright, center maybe a bit less than a q3 but flood is powerful.

Don's beamshots here are representative. It's a bit different in that there's a gradual transition from center to the uniform flood area. I'd like it better if there were a slightly more defined center.

The only QC issue on mine is that the emitter is a bit off center. This is because the "star" they use does not sit in a crevise/groove, and seems to be just centereded (and silicon glued) by whomever was assembling the light. The reflector has a bit of play so slight errors are ok. On mine the star is about 1mm off-center and the emitter is maybe 1/2mm off-center relative to reflector after assembly (the osram die is very small so that's not completely insignificant). I was able to correct it to perhaps 1/3mm off, so still not perfect but the beam seems not too effected, especially it's not a thrower anyway.

Overall, still pretty good and I'm going to get another.

I might have missed it, but do you have the link to Don's beamshots?


but image link is broken?

but this one works.


Use the search

Why use search when we have helpful members like yourself that point helpless members like me to the right direction?

Don says the Hugsby P31 beats the S1. I guess I'll find out if that's true.

If you need for info and comparison to other budget lights sold at DX, check at DrJones page (hope he doesnt matter I put the link here)


Do you see? he has classified the flashlights by battery type. Then in each type you can compare between them and others.

SSC P7 (18650) -> Ceiling bounce 470. Spot intensity 3,6

AA-S1 (14500) -> Ceiling bounce 200. Spot intensity 1,5 (almost half of the SpiderFire SSC P7)

TrustFire XPEF23 (10440) -> Ceiling bounce 160. Spot intensity 1,8

But as he says: "rough data only"

Medieval, the P31 beats the S1 in terms of throw. In flood, it doesnt, or is very similar

Interesting (from DrJ): The UniqueFire AA-S1 [5] (10$) has a big, smooth, but quite bright spot and thus a good total brightness (total luminous power) in this group. With it's small Golden Dragon emitter it should be able to be a better thrower (if that's what you want); I assume the position of the emitter relative to the reflector isn't optimal in that respect

Might have to try a small spacer between the emitter and reflector.

It's curious that they used a OP reflector in the light. the osram may be good enough for smooth one. As if it's not already floody enough...

The Ultrafire RL-118 is an Osram Golden dragon led


Thanks for all your input, I now have a little more to work with.

phlowcus and Xrayboy I forgot to mension that I allready have bought the BlackCat (Red) for my wife.

I did not know that the KD version is a warm white. Like Mr Admin I like that, so I may try a version from them.

Acording to Fran82 it may soon be difficult to get a S1 from DX. I hate to not having mine, so I better order one now

so I have one as spare.

Charlestt do you (or others) have any experience with the RL118?

If you know of a Golden Dragon light please inform me, thanks.

Great! Now there are two lights I need. I may need to get a neutral (not really warm if it is 5000K) Black Cat and the AA S1. I don't have any Osram lights.

Either of these forward clicky? KD says the Black Cat has a slide switch, but it's a tail clicky, right? All are one mode?

Well, I went ahead and got the S1. Then I can get a Black Cat later.

Don't forget about BestOfferBuy.com, they have almost everything that DX carries for about the same price, and they sell a lot less, so they might be able to offer some of the more scarce items still.

That Black Cat is warm white, at least the one I got. Here's the so called 5000k vs. a normal Black Cat: