Hello I was wondering if anyone from Canada or another country with strict knife laws has ever received an OTF knife purchased online. I recently ordered a microtech knock off from Manafont and I really hope it gets to me :S Apperently they are going to use special foil packaging, but will that even do anything??? What are the chances customs will take my knife? Thank you.
if they inspect the package they will take it…you might get lucky…I never wanted to lose my money trying to haven’t…
that and possessing the knife will get you a criminal charge if you are caught with it…you may get lucky and they would just confiscate it, but too risky for my blood…
If its a small packet, the odds are it will go through customs without any inspection.
It could get singled out, but the odds are very low.
I’ve worked there for thirty seven years.
My package arrived today!!! The knife is really awesome! Manafonts delivery was really fast order placed on Dec 29th, at my house on the 10th pretty good i’d say! they had the knife box wrapped in like tinfoil tape stuff…kind of odd.
Well problem was one of the tri-wing screws wasn’t screwed in at all which caused the blade to malfunction a little electrical tape fixed the problem till i can find a tri -wing screwdriver
In my experience, larger package size/weight increases risk of inspection. Small stuff may be randomly inspected, but less likely. Only My most recent knife order has been inspected but came though ok (4 knives in one box, looks like customs tried to play with all of them, fortunately they were screwed down tight)
Larger parcels and Special Product such as Priority Post go “upstairs”. Regular packets generally continue down the belt unmolested to enter into the postal system.
My friend just ordered an OTF Microtech clone from Aliexpress and it was mailed from HK with tracking.
The packaging was just Clear bubble wrap! You can even see the Microtech Logo on the box
It came through to his door in Toronto without any problems.
Lucky? Maybe little bit. It was the long weekend never-the-less I think most of these little pkgs. get through without even a blink of an eye.
Looking at OTF knives myself. What does everyone recommend? Are the OTFs from Manafont any good? Ali Express? Would love to have a pushbutton type like the Microtech Halo…
You are in TX, so why not just buy the real deal? The Microtech’s OTF are really awesome, I own several from them; try getting the double-edge Scarab, it’s a really nice OTF knife.
No question. If it’s legal in your locale get the real McCoy.
Clones are nice to for EDC and messing around but for collecting get the real thing.
Yes they do cost $$$$, that’s really not a bad price for a Genuine one. Be very careful about importing them into the USA and most other Countries like Canada, not only will Customs take it IF they find it, but they can charge you with a high level Felony for importing, it’s a BIG no, no. I buy auto-knifes all the time mostly always name brands, they are legal to buy & carry on ones person in Florida, many States though they are not.
The very few clones I bought just to compare them with, I bought at a local gun show. I find they are day & night between the real deal and the clone knock-offs.
But then again if your not interested in spending $500+ which is what an OTF name brand Made in the USA will cost and easily upwards+, I guess your only other option is a cheap knock-off. The feel, action, blade, handle, the sharpness of the blade and how it holds an edge are light-years beyond any clone I ever bought.
I think you are going to be surprised to find what it takes to engineer a good and smooth working OTF knife and the amount of machining and labor in putting it together afterwards. Would like to see what you come up with machining one.
For a clone the workmanship on the handle and the blade grind is very good but the tolerances aren’t very tight.
There is a more blade play (in all directions) then I had liked.
When the blade it deployed in the open/forward position, I can still pull up on the blade and it will come out ~1/8” I’m pulling against spring tension and I’m not sure if this is the case with a real MT OTF. This is the case with my other MT clone.