I edc a tn12 with a custom leather belt holster made from a guy in Poland top quality and the holster is amazing. My question are there any lights about the same size that may fit and may be better or brighter than my tn12 I have had it since its release in 2014, i know the nitecore p12 af the pd35 will fit but curious of any others.
For better, I can definitely recommend the Convoy M1. With the red Biscott driveri installed, it’s waaaay more versatile than the TN12, goes for much cheaper than any 18650 Thrunite, you can pick what emitter you want including a flat-dome XP-L HI or a high CRI Nichia. And speaking from personal experience, the TN12’s holster feels like it was made for the M1. As a bonus, the M1 is also more solid than the TN12, both in feel and in actual durability.
It’s not brighter, but it doesn’t have to me
Source: having a TN12 in 1A cool white that I got sick of (that nonexistent High-Turbo gap in particular) and then getting an M1 in 7A warm tint that I can’t get enough of.
I’m guessing that by that you mean it doesn’t have the elastic sides that the nylon holster has? In this case, aye, it won’t fit.
I’m out of ideas. The TN12 is easily one of my longest lights, only competing with the C8, and the latter has a huge head, bigger than the M1’s. The only other tube light I’ve tried with the TN12’s holster is the Convoy S2 (not S2+, mind you), and while it fits laterally, it’s too short for the flap to secure it. Guessing that’s a no-go IYO.