Overcurrent protection of various protected cells


18650BatteryStore Protected BT 18650 Molicel M35A 10A CDR: 13.5-14A cutoff

My results: ~13.5-13.6A cutoff

LiionWholesale Protected 3500mAh 10A 18650 Button Top Battery (Panasonic/Sanyo NCR18650GA cell inside): 15.6-15.8A cutoff (spec: ~20A cutoff).

EVVA Tech Protected 18650 NCR18650GA 3500mAh 10A li-ion Battery: 12.1-12.2A cutoff (spec: cutoff at about 10A)


Acebeam 5100mAh protected USB-C button top 21700 (CDR: 15A, IMR21700NP-510A): >20A cutoff (spec: unspecified, cutoff did not occur with my equipment with a max current of 20A)

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