Overpriced crap flashlights worth avoiding

Oh, the shame of it. Someone paints the word “TACTICAL” on one of those cheap camo SK68 clones with the bad emitters and oversells them to people who are easily fooled.

Yeah, Sturgeon’s Law applies.

Some of these ripoffs have dedicated threads here, like the variously named “700” zoomie
has its thread: Shocking Images Exposed The G700 Flashlight

But I figured, hey, there are so many other bad choices for sale out there, why not have a collection thread for initial sightings.
If the thing starts showing up with heavy advertising under multiple names, it can get its own thread.

Conrui D01. Died within a week. The X2000 (XR-E Q5) — old school. In fact, most budget lights belong on this list.

For me it was the Arc AAA, never worked right and ultimately met its demise under a heavy hammer wielded by an enraged flashaholic… So satisfying I must add!!! :smiling_imp:

Marketing 101 lol At least they are a reasonable price compared to the other lights i see for sale at like 80 USD like the G700.

Thanks for notifying people of the scam

Focus on currently advertised crap stuff?

(Aside, I still have and use half a dozen Arc AAAs in multiple colors. Discussion of those is a VI/EMACS sort of thing, they were very early LED lights, loved or not.
They had a crimp holding the driver in place that could sometimes fail, but they stood by their lifetime guarantee and fixed them. Still do, last time I checked.)

Let’s not have a religious war about ancient LED history, too much of that sort of thing going on in the world, eh? Probably all of us have a shelf of regretted bad choices.

But — it’s today’s cheats I’m suggesting we collect here.

I don’t think you’ll find there is any warranty support for the “Tactical” SK68s or the “Military” 700s.

Please copy in currently advertised links or pictures advertising the bad products

Here’s another name / URL for the G700: (Google keywords: battle flashlight scam ripoff)

If anybody sees a Google ad for these things here on BLF please let me know so I can block the URL. They keep changing it, so it’s a constant, um, “battle”. :stuck_out_tongue:

that page looks a lot like the g700 scam pages.
shot that sites credibility in the head.
i wonder whose pic they stole this time?

Hey, this is egregious:


NightShift III Minature LED Flashlight
Our Price: $48.00

Amazing how much value you can add to a SK68 clone by painting your company’s name on it.

Has next mode memory, and they’re rather confused about what they’re selling: