Just out of curiosity…if I wanted to build on of those with 4 XHP35 HI in a copper P60 quad shell…mtn states that you can run one at a max of 2.5a on a DTP board…I’ve never used a driver other that a fet or 7135 based driver. It looks like I’d need to use a buck driver with 4 cells for a max of 16.8v. The mtnmaxlp only gives the option of 2.5a at 12 volts and not the 5.5a that I selected. So my question is, will the 2.5a be split between the 4 leds or will the driver supply 2.5a to each led? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I’ve never used a 12v led.
Most likely the XHP35s would be wired in parallel on the quad board. Then the 2.5A would be split between the four LEDs.
It might be fine to use a FET driver with 3 or 4 XHP35s in parallel. With 1 XHP35 direct drive would result in too much current, but with 3 or 4 in parallel the resulting current to each LED might be below 2.5A. Would have to look at the forward voltages to be sure.
They would be wired parallel. Cree list the XHP35 HI D4 doing 1482.8 lumens at 1.05 amps at 12.85 volts. My guess is the each LED is running at about 1.5 amps at around 13.6-13.7 volts around 80 watts total. The host is an extremely thick walled thumper. It looks like a 26650 format but is really 18650 so it’s got lots of mass for the heat. The Solarforce Gladiator host weighs 457 grams and is 340mm long by 34 mm in diameter.
Im not a big fan of long hosts. Id choose a 2x 26650 host and run 4x 26350 cells. I’ve probably got most of the stuff to make this but alas I’m not really spending time on lights lately.
I just did a quick estimation and I think there would still be too much current direct drive even with a quad XHP35. From the forward voltage curve on the Cree data page, I estimate the voltage is about 13.2V at 2.1A. With 4 low IR cells in series, the resulting current will be significantly more than 2.5A per LED. If you used high IR cells and/or added resistance somewhere else it might work.
This would not drive them hard enough. At full charge there would be about 1A per LED.
Some sort of linear driver, or buck driver, is necessary because of the large voltage difference. 8-10A worth of 7135s might work, for a quad XHP35.
Edit: or adding roughly 0.2Ohms of resistance in the circuit would reduce the resulting current to ~2.5A per LED. Like a coil of wire wrapped around the tail cap spring or something.
I was going to build a triple X6 XHP-35 but have yet do to so.
Remember that with triple and quad emitters the divided voltage allows for a lower Vf and higher current, as seen with XP-L’s and XP-G2’s. My Ti X6 Quad Nichia 219C pulls over 21A from an LG HE-4 cell. Yes, a SINGLE 18650 providing over 21A. So the quad or triple XHP-35 would be touchy to make I’m thinking, have yet to try.
Yes, roughly 1A through each XHP35 with 3 cells in series. The current through each XHP35 would not be too different if it were 3x or 4x XHP35 (~3 or ~4A from the cells distributed to the 3 or 4 XHP35s).
Im so tempting to give this ago as i like whacking stick lights more than chubby short
Adding up the costs to built this bad boy:
P60 copper quad drop-ins = $16usd (ordering from kiriba-ru)
Cutter-XHP35-HI-1D-B490 (90 CRI) = $22 usd
Quad optic = $5usd
SolarForce Gladiator host = $53usd
17mm MTN-MAXlp HP 4A-5.5A Low-Profile Buck Driver 5V-18V = $20usd
various shipping cost say $20usd
total cost $136USD
similar price as HaikeLite triple XHP70 but you have to assemble the parts , waiting for parts to arrive and items can potentially lost in the mail which is a hassle.
Hmm, more than 20% light loss in 30 seconds is a bit worrying and not much aluminium or surface area near the leds. You can have a quick wow look on the high setting and then will have to switch the light to a much lower mode.
(but that is what hotrodding is about )
It would be a very good project and a tool to whack someone without having uses with the Australian Police. Aus Post is very reliable unless the parcell was taken buy someone else on your mailbox.