P7 driver for p60 drop-in

Hi everyone! I've been lurking for some time and finally got regiestred at this great forum!

I'm lookin for a 2A or 2,5A driver for a P60 drop-in, because stock is only pulling around 1A from a fresh cell. Any recomendations? Multimode is welcome. I think that with some additional heat sinking it will work in my L2.


KD have a cpl I have no idea how good they are. Here is a link to one http://www.kaidomain.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=9906

That looks perfect! Even 1.8A will make p7 happy. But if anyone knows a prooven solution - please post it!

I'd ask over at Jayki.com. Old4570 there has built several P7 dropins so will have recommendations for a driver - preferably one that'll push the 2.8A the LED is specified for. If it does, it'll likely be taking 3 or more amps from the cells.

Thanks for the tip Don!

A lot of people like this driver from ShiningBeam


I have a P60 on the way with an MC-E and if its driver turns out to be a dud, I plan on getting one of these. They go out of stock from time to time though and it only works with one cell (or 2xCR123A primaries maybe).

Looks nice, but shipping to Poland is expensive :(.

Hi there rzezniq, sorry I can't help with your question, but I just wanted to say welcome to BLF! Thanks for joining, enjoy your stay.

Forgot to say that you are very welcome here. Please do feel free to join in. The more the merrier!

Aloha and welcome rzezniq! Smile

Aloha, welcome and cześć, rzezniq

Hi everyone and cześć anduril (where are you from anyway?)!

Old4570 was very helpful -> http://www.jayki.com/10238#3 .



Hi Rzezniq,

Welcome to BLF,there are some flashlight DIY parts,maybe you can find some useful gadgets by yourself!



Unfortunately there is a little more to it than just swapping out the driver ...

To date the best 4.2v driver I know off is the one in my MTE , just try getting one though ! [ There expensive if you have to buy the MTE to get one ]

Yes Shinning beam driver is a good one ... And 3 modes , so no junk ..

http://www.kaidomain.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=1845 Best cheap driver I know off , used it on everything from Cree P4 to SSC P7 / MC-E .. Ive used it with SSC P4 - Diamond Dragons - Luxeon K2 TFFC - Cree XR-E R2 to XP-G R5 .. Should keep a few in stock if you do mods ...

Ok , the emitter itself will matter , if you get one thats got nice low voltage forward [ LED's operating voltage ] , the lower the better with 4.2v drivers , then you will see good performance ...

If on the other hand the vF is on the higher side , then you will see lower performance .. Then there is also the battery , a good battery will outperform a bad one .

In my MTE , a bad battery may do 2.2A [ SSC P7 ] , whilst a good one may see 3.5A or better , thats just a huge variation , one which you must take into consideration .

If you buy cheap cells , you cant expect stellar performance ... In the end its a combination of all the variables , and to some extent pot luck . Though when it comes to the P60 performance pills , SSC P7 / MC-E , I do get the feeling , that possibly the MC-E might be the better option , especially when swapping out drivers ... From the reports coming in , the SSC P7 seems to suck , and one might be better off with a XP-G R5 , maybe .