[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

IF…. you want it to hang head up, your way will accomplish that.
If however, it is to hang more level; but head still slightly above horizontal… it needs to stay like it is. Simple as that.
You should be able to see and understand that just from the renders.
Remember …… it is going to have eight x 18650 batteries in it.


It will though…
Maybe try imagining an unbalanced plank tied at each end by a string, and the string is hanging around a pulley.
The heavy end will be close to the 90 degree vertical while the light end sticks out the back, while the whole plank remains horizontal due to the pulley.
I can draw a pic if you want.

No, of course not.
You put the carrying strap on the head and the tail.
Both have lanyard holes.

It has been discussed and with pictures.

Getting a little weary of the silly arguments to be honest…


What?? Why are you taking this so seriously?? You aren’t addressing a child.
I’ve read every single post on here since day 1.
And exactly what is incorrect about what I said?
LESS FINS AND LESS MASS = LESS COOLING. Regardless of which reflector is in place. Simple fact is, the fins do not need to be tapered down to the battery tube, no matter which reflector is used.

Edit - also your argument makes no sense. The switch is below the reflector, right? So why can’t the fins be any size the designers want?

Well, sometimes it’s hard for people to imagine physics statics, so you just need to explain it to them…

Apparently it didn’t all stick though…

I completely understand if it is going to be attached front and back.

I thought we were talking about it only being attached in the front.

My bad…… :wink:

I don’t know…
I’ve been doing alot of thinking and drawing work for this project, but everytime someone seems to have to come up with some lame point in order to disagree with what i have proposed.

It must be me then…

Really? Are we doing this?

Now tell me - what is wrong with what I said?
Bugger the reflector for a second - why can’t the fins be wider? The reflector doesn’t need to dictate the outter dimensions or look of a light.

You are not alone I assure you. :wink:

JR, we’re having a go at a MASSIVE light here.
It’s about surface area and thermal conductivity for cooling, not mass.
The head is huge and heavy enough even when you try to keep it compact.
You want allof the space between reflector and the exterior filled with aluminum?
Of course you don’t.
Should it then be filled with air?
No,because it then would be big for no reason.
And just look at the bottom fin of the 0.5.
It sticks out with a sharp edge.
This is where you hold the light, which is uncomfotable,especially since it will be heavy.
Deep and narrow fins are not better.
If you don’t put them on the outside, you need a very thick walled head to cut the grooves, which is unnecessarily heavy.
This has all been discussed.

Maybe it hasn’t all been discussed by all our ‘experts’ here…
I’m sorry i was unfriendly to you.

Haha, it’s ok, that would be a funny way to carry a flashlight xD

I accept that, thanks.
I know exactly what’s going on with thermal management, but one thing still doesn’t add up - the LED and switch are below the reflector base, so what I’m trying to say is, that area around the LED/switch where the fins are tapered are not following any parabola created by the reflector……hence don’t need to be tapered at all. And there isn’t even a definite reflector chosen yet so really it’s almost moot.

Slight edit- it comes down to aesthetics and unfortunately this light won’t be 100% to everyones taste.

I guess i’m a bit grumpy today…
Maybe because i spent so much time designing a model for this light, and i really like how it came out and looks so much better than the other design (which receives a lot of cheers somehow) and hardly anybody seems to care for what i have come up with.
And when they do give me feedback, it’s often more as if they’re looking for excuses to dismiss it.
So yeah, i guess i’m a little frustrated about that.
Sorry folks…

Hey JR,
This is why it’s not necessary to have a wide based head:

The reflector will be much narrower (blue parabola) than 5ar assumed (orange parabola) and built a light around.
The same head wall thickness should be used.
I have no drawings (yet) of a sectioned light to illustrate that.

I think we all should be able to “take a little heat” from each other.
After all, we are all passionate about our hobby, so we are all really involved and I can understand that putting a lot of time and effort in this project - and getting a lot of question about it - can get you frustrated.
The dust has settled, so let’s all move on!

That’s entirely aesthetic in reality. I fully understand the wall thickness thing I am simply pointing out it doesn’t have to be tapered in. Weight-wise we are all expecting a heavy light. What ever the build/design team ends up with, we all know it’ll work out just fine.

Nice pics Jerommel
Still think your design is better suited for a smaller light.
But I do think we should put the hole for the strap higher, where you did it

Yes what TA said, this stage has taken months with Thorfire and now we can not only reduce that time it also helps in finding a manufacturer since a SRK style light is well known, a monster LED thrower of this size is not, if we present a pic like 5ar made so much is clear at a glance.

Fluid, gas, nah as long as I don’t bump my head on all the air I am good with either one :smiley:

It sure would. :smiley:
Seems I had a bit of ‘tunnel vision’ going on and missed the obvious. :person_facepalming:
