[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

balance, the S70 and L6 with a shoulder strap in the state they want to hang.
(I had not used the L6 with it for a long time, now I remembered this unbalanced weight is one of the reasons I use the S70 far more.)
Right is how I do use the L6, with a little lanyard that is holding it at the front, then it is balanced.

YES hanging it from a strap attached as close to the front as ossible is really ideal.

No, it dose not get “Hot” to the touch, the TN42 has a thermal control driver and a ntc built into the LED mcpcb board.

Please add me to list!


Yes. If the strap is on the edges then you can position it however you want. The grip between the strap and your clothing on your shoulder is enough to keep it at any angle with minimal effort involved.

You dont think that 5ar and me (and everyone else) has spent a lot of time in designing a model?
I spent 2 days just to make a thermal simulation. I mean 2 whole days. (!)
Let alone how long it took to make my design (/designs).
I dont complain about it because I like to do it. So stop playing the ‘how long it took me’ card, it’s a hobby no one is forcing you to do it.

Don’t forget it’s your opinion that it looks better than the other design. Some may agree with you and others don’t, that’s how opinions work.
I personally like my design too, you don’t hear me talking about it all the time?

We all do care for everyone’s input, also your’s.

As a said before, we dont know how the final reflector will look like. You dont know it either. So you can’t say that reflector is wrong and this one is good. (both could be parabolas even when they dont have the exact same shape.)
In my design I’ve made my own reflector, though I dont know how accurate it is. That’s why we are focusing mostly on the outer design itself. When we do have a reflector the whole design can be tweaked to fit it.

This is picture from my local news, neighbors complaining about some lunatic flashing their building at night….
Man I can’t even imagine what would he be doing if he could get a GT :smiling_imp:

Question 1: what light is he using?
Question 2: lunatic?
Question 3: where is the review of that light?

Ha ha its,not so faraway from me I might locate him and ask for a review…

BTW they call him Batman guy…

I like how he adds at the end “What is that and where i can buy it” :slight_smile:

What light is that Nikola?

China town is next block from there,so might be some 2000000W police light…

Add me for one please

That is great!

Goes to show the different kind of people, some freak out mad other freak out wanting to know what it is and how they can get one.

Even if I wasn’t into flashlights I would still want to know what that was and where to get it!

All input is very much appreciated (and needed to make the GT a reality :wink: )
This is, just like the Q8 a project done for the sake of a nice new flashlight (GT) and helping the community (driver)
None of the team make money from this and all of us and BLF that give input in any way ought to know it is open source and for the sake of the project/BLF/own wish to do so.

I think all that contribute know that without all the help and input it would not happen.

There will ba and have been moments where decisions needed to be made, we aim to do this in such a way most are happy with it and all understand it and can accept it.

:+1: :+1:

Agree!! :smiley:

Now everyone go search for a reflector! Let’s make progress! :smiley:

Here is one with good throw. http://www.surplusshed.com/pages/item/pm1074.html

Have anyone seen my earlier post about contacting Lumintop for this project, they are well known manufacturer,with experience building big lights. Also I know that they can make light this size under 90$ depending on quantity…

I don’t think i’m playing a card, i just explain something.
I’m not complaining it took me days either,just that the reactions are disappointing and frankly to me they seem a little disingenuous.
But again, maybe it’s me…
And i’m sorry for complaining.

Easthetics is practically a science, yet not everyone has a feel for it.
I’m sorry, but just look at the pictures.
I’m serious.
But maybe i’m deluded and arrogant…
…or insecure?
Who can tell?

Okay, thank you.

As i have replied, yes we do (or did i delete that?).
It’s a parabola, so the proportions, shape and the focal point and the fact that the bottom is cut off are the plain facts of every LED reflector.
The only variables we encounter is the depth and width of it.

Well, you’re simply wrong there.
And since this is a BIG reflector, the walls ofit will not be thick or oddly shaped, or it would be too heavy.
Just have a look at 4wheeler’s reflector.
Incidently this seems to be the best / only candidate.
And i thinkit’s 130mm wide and 120mm deep (which would mean a revision of my design too), but i’m waiting for the exact dimensions from him.
(that is, i will PM him when i can not find it myself in this topic)

I have shown you and explained how off 5ar’s reflector is.
this is why the 5ar head is really wide at the base, which is pointless.
And i don’t want to disrespect 5ar, but i don’t like it when people misunderstand things so i explain it (again…)

:+1: …. Amen!!!. :slight_smile:

Yes seen it.
Have a real quality A brand to pitch the GT to first.
So if a nice updated pic like first pic in OP is ready will do that.

Please let’s not get distracted of the outside and reflector now but:
There is a whole list of potential candidates to make it :wink: