[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

Maybe change the present topic title then.

That’s used…the cost is $600 new which is what would need to be paid to produce this flashlight since you would need to bulk order like 100+ units, not just one.
Reflectors are not cheap :C

Jerommel, drawing a parabola into the available space is not anywhere near the same as fitting a reflector in. An aluminum reflector is usually made with thick areas for support and added thermal mass, very seldom is one made with thin walls the entire height of the reflector.

Additional mass in the pill section and thus, the lower end of the head, is being supplied by request. Many of us will mod this light to even greater extremes, thermal mass is going to be critical. Can you imagine a 7x XHP-70? Can you begin to wrap your mind around a 40,000 lumen flashlight? Quit thinking so small. :wink:

The aluminum head and reflector will not balance against 8 Li-ion 18650’s. It doesn’t in any of my big lights anyway. Add an extension to a TK61, fill it up with cells, find the balance point. This is why when I build a light from scratch I start with the reflector. By making the head fit the reflector first and foremost, I have a total weight for the front end that will dictate how thick to make the battery tube walls. It’s business first, aesthetics last. Something like carving a statue from a block of marble, you start with one big chunk and find the art inside.

I know someone that is in the process of setting up a CNC machine of their own. I have pitched the idea for him to help us out and make the host of this light, have not heard back from him yet. One thing I do know, quality will be impeccable if he agrees. I will even help any way possible and assemble drivers and the entire light if that is needed. I seriously doubt we’ll get the numbers associated with the Q8, I couldn’t possibly assemble 800 lights! lol By the way, just because he is just now setting up his own machine, that doesn’t have anything to do with the years of experience behind him. This guy could go to China and show them how to properly make our lights…

We need to get our hands on the reflector, that is the center of everything. All other parameters are flexible.

As soon as an updated render is done will do!

Not likely with a very big reflector.
And either way, the reflector setup 5ar used is incorrect and makes the wide bottom of the head necessary.
And ofcourse i have also designed enough room in the head for a thicker walled reflector.
So your point is moot.
And about thermal mass, it’s not of much use when you thermally isolate the reflector from the MCPCB (with a nylon centring ring).

Quit assuming i’m an idiot who doesn’t think about these things.

Edit: Rant saved for another time, typing it made me feel better though. :innocent:

The boiled down version is that we truly love the design, yet you keep acting like we are lying when we say that.

I’m not assuming anything of the kind Jerommel, your dogged determination to change the design has been proving that all by itself. I really don’t mean to be rude, but you don’t seem to get it otherwise.

Your design has merit, but this light isn’t the platform for what you propose. Primarily because the people that started this project asked that it be designed with the L6 in mind as it’s a popular light. They got what they asked for, I for one think the 5ar rendering is very close to perfect, and you have been told pretty much that already, and yet you keep posting an alternate. It’s not that your design is bad, it’s jut not for this light.

I would not buy this light you propose simply because it’s copying the Thrunite TN42 entirely too much. Right down to the switch. I don’t go for the copycat look, especially as a destroyer of said light. The 5ar design is stronger, more robust, and more creative. And implicitly, it’s what was asked for by the originators of the thread.

As to that 230+mm reflector, man that thing is gorgeous! Probably not a contender for our emitter types and of course not budget at all being electroformed of Nickel, but still, the mirror is awesome! Anyone found out what Phoenix could do yet? I think we’d have to have higher numbers for that source to work, they are pretty pricey from when I’ve talked to them. We can dream though…

I have trouble believing it, yes.
I’m sorry.

————never mind—————

Guys, sorry, i’m not doing this right…

I had something typed up but saw this before I posted it. It cannot be said any plainer or clearer that Dale has said it here, so I will just say I agree with what he said.

Jerommel, I do wish to ask you this. Are you as open minded & understanding as you seem to require everyone else to be?? Just a thought……

Then please tell me what I need to say or do to show that I am IN LOVE the the 5AR design. I ADORE it. It is AMAZING, FANTASTIC, STUNNING and almost perfect.

I can hardly think of a better personification of the idea for this light in my head when we started this then the 5AR design.

I will read through the entire thesaurus if that will help.



I imagine it tkes a lot of work to do these renderings. They sure are impressive. Based on what has been said, it sounds like the manufacture of choice will do the reflector design/selection. So you may want to hold off on an alternative rendering. I would love to see what it would look like though as we should consider the possible range reflector depths.

The OD including the lip is 128mm and the Height is 120mm. The ID of the broadest part of the cone is 117mm.

Depending on how this project goes I can easily see the next one being the “box” design. There is simply too much potential there to pass up, although I see it being more of a lumen monster then a throw monster with the massive heat shedding ability it has but that is for another thread.


Yes,it was a lot of work.
But that’s okay.
I learned a lot while i was at it.
I have outdone myself i.m.h.o.

I will do it anyway.
It’s not too difficult to stretch things up a bit.

Thanks, sizes noted.

As far as I am concerned… apology accepted. None of us are perfect. :slight_smile:
Don’t lose any sleep over it.

Maybe not.
But there are 2 guys here who designed something (and encorporate feedback into the designs), so an open mind to both would be appreciated, and only fair i.m.o.
I don’t see that happening.
This frustrates me.
And personally, the looks are a deal breaker / deal maker to me.

It’s not so much your designs not being right Jerommel as it is that 5ar nailed what the original program called for. You’re doing really professional looking designs, but this project calls for something else. Like having the best rain boot on the runway when the designer wanted rain Jackets! You’re just on the wrong runway. :wink:

I’d actually love to see your design in a smaller light, a single 26650, with a broad head for throw. The modern HD2010 if you will. And for what it’s worth, those last inclusions on the head, the anti-roll bits, are fantastic, a very nice look and would probably work very well too. The unbroken knurling on the battery tube, much to my liking as well. Just in a smaller light than the one being worked on here.

OK………… I give up.?..

I have actually been very open minded to your designs that did not change the layout of the light (the 4x26650 was simply not an option). In fact the latest one I even showed to a few people here to make sure I was not being biased before posting about it.

While it was harder to decide then the last designs everyone still unanimously and firmly agreed, without any couching from me, that the V0.5 looked better and that is the one they would want. For many of the reasons I mentioned earlier.

I actually thought one of them was going to pick your design for a bit, he really took his time looking back and forth.

Like has been said, in a smaller light your design would work well. I also really like the latest anti-roll design.

Sorry for going off topic, but Teacher, that Bear Bryant quote brings to mind the Cowboys. I was using the Cowboys in conversation last night as an example of monied people and teamwork, like our hospital, how a lot of money can put a team together, but that doesn’t mean they’ll work well together. Dallas had a lot of top players, big monied players, but couldn’t make the season. They brought in the right few rookies for probably the least paid positions on the team, now look at em! Those rookies have dug in their heels and are pulling stumps man! :smiley:

Now, if our hospital could get that kind of teamwork going on, they just might live up to their name, like the Cowboys. Putting a sheet of stats together is not at all the same as creating stats for the sheets. :wink:

We now return you to the regularly scheduled program, already in progress….