[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

And just to remind you, I said what I quoted below about the last one you put up; yesterday I think it was.
I would like to see it in the size I mentioned. I’d be all over it in a Convoy M1 size also.
I do not care for your design being used for the light in this project.
Nothing wrong with your design, I just do not think it is what we need for this.
Simple as that……

I hear ya’ Dale………. :+1: (in reference to post 1520)

Alright then, so let’s put the TN42 and my design side by side.

Yes, they both have the same lighting on them, it’s as if they’re standing (hovering rather) next to eachother.
The cutouts in the bezel haven’t changed, but many flashlights have such cut outs in the bezel.
It’s kind of generic, because it’s the best solution.
They both have knurling, and yes, it’s identical, but knurling isn’t something special, it’s functional, it provides grip.
A momentary switch with a commonly used kind of button. (I took out the LED hole for the occasion)
So both are fairly basic designs, yes.

“Mine” follows the parts inside more than the TN.
The finned area and the head near the bezel are very different.
The typical Thrunite rim above the fins is not there.
The fins themselves are very different, the switch is not on a protruding block.
The tailcap is very different, although they both have lanyard holes, but many flashlights have that.

Now if it were possible for me to do, i would have given it a matte finish, like Convoy.
With that the impression would be very different from the TN42
I.m.o. the only thing that is kind of copied from the TN42 is the collar / coupling between batt tube and fins.
But i have a DITO 2x 18650 light just in (was only 7 bucks on 11/11 !), and it too has that.
And a few pages back i had a picture with 4 varieties of my design, not all of them with that knurled collar.
The latest rendering however, is my personal favourite.

Anyway, the 5ar design is supposed to allude to the Convoy L6, so what’s the proble mwith similarities anyway?

I must have missed it when and how this L6 look was decided upon.
I didn’t know that until just now actually.


Okay, i’m gonna stop yammering now.
It is how it is.
Will still post some pics, but i’m giving up the campaigning.

No, i give up.
I took this way too far and personal.

Jerommel let me be short on this…

If your design above was showed in OP as a starting point I would never signed up for one…

You don’t have to give up…. just chill out a bit. :wink:

FWIW, the TN42 actually measures 100mm at the bezel. With a 117mm opening in the projected reflector, the GT should be around 128 to 130. Would that have the GT looking THAT much larger? If that perspective is right, then this is gonna be one heckuvabig light!

According to my Photoshop CS5 program, your drawing is about 13-15mm wider than it should be at 143.7mm, compared to a known 100mm TN42.

Sized more appropriately it should appear like this (128.3mm width at the bezel)

And I overlaid the TN42 battery tube to show how yours is too narrow to house the carrier for 4x18650’s.

I think we need to add an option for wheels on it…… :+1:

Jerommel, I saw the posts early this morning regarding your newest design and the relocated forward lanyard mount and the brief (now resolved) — erm, discussion, on its merits. I intended to post in support of you and the (IMHO) better location. I think it is a great idea. But I have to say that I also prefer 5AR’s design to yours. I have refrained from posting much regarding the design of this light, as it is outside my price range and needs, so I wont be buying one, but I have indeed read almost every post in this thread. I can’t point at any one particular design element that makes me prefer one to another.

When it comes down to it, the design is like art. Some people like cubism and other abstract art, if you gave me an original, signed by the artist of any of that stuff, I would sell it to the highest bidder ( I ain’t stupid!) and buy reproductions of da Vinci machines or MC Escher infinite staircases or waterfalls. Some people prefer the looks of one type, others can’t stand it.

Likewise, in my eyes, 5AR’s design is the clear winner. You can claim that my artistic preferences are unsophisticated or ‘petite bourgeoisie’ all you want. It don’t change my mind.

Very well said, this is exactly the point I have been trying to make.

You like what you like and that is great but please don’t try to tell me what I like. I have said repeatedly that I like 5AR’s design but even today you still say you have a hard time believing that. Why on earth would I lie about it?

Well Jerommels idea of putting the strap connection up has been asked to 5ar to implement

i totally agree it s an extremely attractive 26650 light Jerommel has designed, and as a matter of fact am thinking about what kind of light could be build with it that calls for a BLF special since I saw it with those nice anti roll blocks. (kind of hope it will be used for the recol thrower project guys hint hint)

About version 0.5.

Can those cutouts on the head be designed in line with the switch/Button?

That version 5 just keep better for me to, but that smal little detail mentioned is annoying me…… :confounded:

All right, i’ll do that then. :slight_smile:

Jerommel, do you always have such strong opinions about things you don’t know about?

95mm reflector

The larger reflectors have more need of structural support than the small ones.

The L6 reflector has a very similar design.

I am actually having a hard time deciding if I like it lined up or centered between them like it is now. There are 7 cutouts IIRC, so this way it means that the one on the back side is directly lined up with how the light would be is set down. With that in mind I say I prefer it like this.

Am I the only one here that doesn’t really care about how it looks? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well for almost everybody but us a C8 and UT20 look almost the same. A black SRK and a M6 too. That is untill switched on :smiley:

Miller, can you put the latest design in the first post? (Or 2nd or 3rd) having a hard time finding them at this point.

I think you mean 100mm reflector and 117mm bezel.
(edit) i don’t know what you mean by ‘projected reflector’.
I didn’t know the sizes at all.

O that’s interesting.
I didn’t have battery carriers in mind to be honest.
I didn’t even know the size of the T42, and i assumed it didn’t have a batt carrier either.
But indeed, the TN42 is much bigger than i thought, so they’re not the same scale.
So my head is 130mm wide and the battery tube is 48mm wide, which is actually quite narrow even without battery carriers…
Thanks for measuring it up.
And frankly, it will look better with a wider tube too.
My geusstimeasure of 5ar’s model indicates a 50mm tube and 47mm width at the cut outs, with a 125mm bezel diameter.
This must be a wrong guesstimeasure then.
And now that you tell me this, it explains why my model looks a bit thin at the tube.
Where can i find / who can give me the 5ar sizes?
Or the diameter of that dreaded battery carrier?