[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

Or just put a picture of a potato in the first post so that nobody has high expectations :slight_smile:

Well I DO care about that line!! SO FIX IT!! :frowning:

hahahhah just kidding… :wink: Back to reflectors then… :wink: :+1:

From Post #1349 at page 45 to page 46 you`ll find it! :wink:

Sometimes, yes…

Thanks for showing.

Jerommel, I will be honest I can’t get too upset with you because you remind me a lot of myself when I first got into forums many years ago. I was so bad I actually got banned from the one I was on most.

Well a year, a lot of apologies and a changed attitude later, I was admin of the site by popular vote (minus those that could not believe I was admin lol). I proceeded to admin the site for many years till it died down as people moved on to other sites.

You have really opened my eyes to what I was like back then thats for sure.

But as I proved, just because things may not go your way now, if you try, things can change around drastically. Particularly on BLF.

To put it nicely if this was any other site I have ever been on you would have been positively shredded by now, you have no idea how nice the people here are.

Well, I`ve just sent a mail to this supplier and asked about reflector, and if the can make what we want…so maybe I get an answer/maybe not…worth a try anyway :slight_smile:
But this one looked so familiar that I couldn`t stop laughing! hehehe



I agree i’m making quite a fool of myself, and i deserve to be shredded.
And yes, you are very nice folks here.
And indeed, i get banned on most forums i have been on…
I was doing okay though, better than when i was a new member here (i was LED inactive for 2 years).
And the stupid thing is, that it always takes quite a long time to realise how i was wrong, and how wrong i was…

Not at all, I admire your tenacity in defending your designs/beliefs ! not speaking up gets you nowhere! you just got a bit carried away - not everyone will like your design, this is a fact, but then not everyone likes 5ar’s either :slight_smile: (I am not taking sides in saying that)
If you want my advice (it’s meant VERY nicely) drop the frankenstein photoshopped multilight, in fact drop using the design ‘software’ for now - pick up your pencil/pad and design ‘your’ flashlight with your own hand, not someone elses version of it, or meant to please everyone. When you’ve done that go back to the pc and design software.
:slight_smile: :wink: :+1: :beer:

Jerommel, a fool NO, all you did was push your idea a bit to far.

But you were not wrong in what you were saying, you just said it to much and took it personally when others disagreed with you, no big deal in the long run :+1:

Have a few :beer: and chill.

Cheers David

Hey guys, have a play around with this:


I’d love to, but does it come with instructions for ‘dummies’ If so, where are they? :person_facepalming: … :smiley:

On the left there is a slider called ‘w’ and a slider called ‘h(2)’ and all you need to do is adjust those two to make any reflector you want :smiley:

Thank you sir!!! :+1:
I needed that…… :wink:
(checking it out~)
Oh yeah, that works good. Is the “black circle” in the center of the “pinkish/orange circle” the ‘hot spot’? It corresponds with the white part that is inside the green parabola.

Thank you for the instruction ‘Enderman’, I appreciate that. :slight_smile:

:wink: There ya’ go… :+1:

The TN42 actually measures 100mm at the bezel, the reflector is approx 93mm at the opening.

Projected reflector means the 120mm reflector someone found but we have not yet sourced, they said it was 117mm at the opening up top, with a 120 or so overall diameter due to the flange, which of course can be altered relatively easily.

I have the TN42, I’ve taken pictures a mile away from the light across a lake, proven that it does indeed show enough light on a standard sized sheet of paper to read the text from that mile away. It’s not theory, it’s not number crunching, but proven fact. I know it’s not going to be easy to best this, I don’t know how the XHP-35 will perform in different reflectors, but Kawiboy is proving there is more on tap in the TN42 by de-doming a top binned HD emitter. We can also bump output a bit in that light as it’s only pushing 2.15A. A simple resistor stack already has mine doing 710Kcd. (a very conservative bump, mind you, as this thing is expensive!)

I haven’t taken the bezel off so I haven’t had the reflector out of my TN42, or I’d have also shown what it looks like.

The last few hours i did not had the time to follow what was going on. But when i read this a few minutes ago i was temted to say something that is not nice.
Everybody here has a different opinion about what looks good. There is no right or wrong if we talk abot the optic of the design. We will take what most people want and that is (for now) the 5ar 0.5 design. Sorry that it is not your design people want to see (and buy) for this project but i do not think posting one TN42 clone after another will change peoples opinion.
Regarding your discussion about the thermal capabilities. This is practically a science. (Something I have earned a lot of practical experience in the last 10-15 years)

And that is not completely right! Yes it is about surface area (that is the reason why i was pushing for more and larger finns) but without the mass the heat will not travel evenly and fast enough through the material. Good examples are the modded Zy-T08 or the TN31. Most people that mod this lights are adding a lot of copper. Filling up the Pill or the head around the reflector (Zy-T08) or putting a 4,5mm thick copper disc under the LED shelf (TN31). It helps with the heat distribution. In the end you need a good mix of surface area and mass to get the best result.

I asked you if the head will be made of two parts. And that is because i had an idea regarding the modability. At the moment we are aming for thermal capabilities that allow us to drive the XHP35 at full power for indefinite time (and we have achieved that)! If later someone would like to put a LED into the light that dissipate much more heat, he easily could do that, by changing the part that holds the driver and the LED (making a new “pill” with longer finns more mass . . .) And the moment i read that Dale has someone that maybe can do that i wanted to bring this idea up. It will not be something for everybody but for the few people that want to push it to the max this could maybe be an option.

I’m grad it worked!
The circles below the reflector show the effective reflector area when looking from the front, the small middle circle is the “hole” with no light, the area between small and large circle is where the reflector is reflecting the LED.
Unfortunately it seems like desmos doesn’t allow me to do a<r<b so I had to make two separate circles, r<a and r<b :confused:

Design is important, yes, but much more important are:

  • output specs
  • build quality

A basic design that is ok for 90+% would be just fine.
Whether that design is more C8-like or TN42-like is not that important, at least to me.
I like the basics of both designs.

Maybe we could strive to have, say two designs, and put up a poll for all that have signed up their interest so we can come up with a winner?


I reckon that’d just draw out an already long process.
Seems the renders 5ar did are the definite designs,and to me, they look stunning. I’d use those lights in the daytime they look so good. :smiley:
How would we choose 2 for a poll? If 5ar did another one there will be many who don’t like either.
And we can’t whittle them down from members renders, we would be here for years.

Hi Jerommel,
don’t be dispirited, I still like your design best, it’s so much clearer than the other ones. And I don’t like some members offensive reactions to your proposals. It’s just not fair.
Keep on!
