[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

Is there an updated PAID list yet JasonWW?

I see you have chosen DHL. Did you set a custom amount of money for the customs declaration or is the default $25 value okay?

Does Italy ignore declared values?

Nice… Lucky number 1607! Thanks!

Were there any updates as to whether Lumintop would honour the group buy price for the full list, or if they’re going to stick to just the first 1500?

No, and I doubt there will be one. Neal giving us that list to post has caused him to get swamped with emails and PM’s about “why this, why that, I don’t see my name, etc…”. It caused more problems than helped out.

So going forward people will have to make sure they choose the proper shipping method and verify that their payment went through on Paypal. Most folks got an email from Neal after purchasing saying thanks, showing the order and asking for phone number confirmation. Not everyone got this email, but their order went through just fine and they recieved their light.

So Neal will keep his up to date paid order list with him. Maybe he will change his mind and give us the current list, but I doubt it.

I hope everyone can understand the reasoning for this.

I noticed that the reflector on my GT has an orange peel to it, not the super smooth appearance of my other throwers. I hope that this didn’t result in too much lux decrease.

Aside from that this thing is great!

I don’t remember supplying my address, and I have just moved. What do I need to do???

I believe Lumintop is only producing 1500 lights for the GB but the team expects about a 15% dropout rate from those that requested to be put on the list. Meaning, around 15% of the people who requested, would not actually purchase the light. So that would be about 225 lights that were spoken for in the first 1500 that would be able to be sold to those beyond the initial 1500.

ETA: HOWEVER, please keep in mind that there is no guarantee that you will recieve an opportunity to purchase a light if you are beyond the 1500 mark.

yes, Italy ignores the values ​​declared if not are credible, like the 25USD,for the customs declaration I asked to declare the real price that I paid

That doesn’t sound right , are you sure?

Post 14913

Is it just me that can’t hear the audio on this video??
I am on my phone & that may be it. But I can barely hear a bit of mumbling. :slight_smile:
It looks like an interesting & informative video too……

I gave up too , I couldn’t hear it , I’m on iPad.

I got 4.

bingo, you win a free chicken dinner :smiley:

i would love to get in on the group buy if anyone drops out really badly!!!

I sure hope that happens

Ok, had to go see my neighbor in the hospital first. He was doing Police Motorcycle escort for a funeral and some idiot dove out of the procession right in front of him, he T-Boned an SUV on a Harley. He’s been in surgery most of the afternoon, is still intubated and drugged unconcious, they’ll do more surgery on his leg tomorrow but it’s gonna be a long road back. Bright green Harley, flashing police lights all over it. Blue skies, 10AM, no excuses. Beats me… the lady driving the SUV is in plenty of trouble, you can bet on that!

I set up at the fence, just shy of 700 yds from the water tower. Do y’all know how difficult it is to get my 5’ tall wife to operate 2 GT’s at the same time? Rocket science or something, man! :stuck_out_tongue:

She was 1.9 miles away, back at the house, I was set up right in front of the water tower, 700 yds from it. She’s got the light beam coming in about 300 yds to my left. This is how I saw it.

1:50 to 1:55 you about took my speakers and sub out.
ouch, :expressionless:

Thank you sir!! Looking forward to it…… :smiley::wink:

It was a process of simple deduction… :wink:

  • Nitecore P30 /
    I have one & recognized it’s beautiful NW hotspot. (NW = Neutral White)
  • BLF GT /
    I have one also, & immediately recognized it’s OJ hotspot. (OJ = Orange Jello)
  • TN42 NW /
    I have one, but it is CW. But this was the only slot left. :smiley:

I never “match” 18650s. I am an electronics technician, and I do this shit for a living. I just don’t care enough to go out of my way to get 10% more life out of an $8 investment. As long as it’s a quality high drain battery from a reputable manufacturer, such as Sony, Samsung, or LG, and doesn’t include “fest,” or “ultra,” in the name, (you know who you are) you’ll be just fine. when they wear out, I get more, or crack open a few more laptop battery packs.