Hi All,
I have been reading posts on here for a few days and finally decided to Register and add a post of my own.
I have been on abit of a scavenger hunt as of late for an everyday use flashlight that goes abit above and beyond your typical flashlight.
The plan is to pocket or hip the light for everyday use. I will be using the light for work and outdoor activities. I work at remote sites that have inadequate lighting and I’m an on call tech that responds to these sites at all hours if required. I also live in a wooded area and like the high lumen lights for wildlife spotting. Im looking for something in the 4-6” length range with a head no more than 1.5”. I was thinking something 1000+ lumens in the 5-6k range but need it to adjust to be able to use as normal flashlight in electrical panels and such.I like the idea of some self defence options like strob or something as I am a lone worker also USB charging but neither of these are a deal breakers if not equipped just an added bonus.
My origianl choice was the Fenix PD35 but cost in Canada for this light is over 100$ and will only pay this if no equivalent can be found.
Can you guys help me out with suggestions ? I started looking at the Sofirn lights on AliExpress but unsure if they can compare to PD35.
Let me know if you need any more info to help in the search.
Thanks All !!
Hello fellow Canuck.
Well, I would advise getting yourself 2 lights actually.
Number one would the Convoy S2+ SST-20 in the 7135x8 variety for max power:
It has extremely high color quality, which is especially important for electrical/recognition work, along with outdoor use for obvious reason.
It’s only 750 lumens, but throws quite far the size of light, so you do not need as many lumens to see well.
This would basically be your short range light and main work light.
And for your PD35, just look for the SP31 V2.0:
It’s basically a cheaper PD35 V2.0.
Great ! I will look at reviews and possibly grab both at those prices. Have you had issues ordering to Canada from AliExpress ? Customs issues ? How did you get the battery’s ?
Thanks for the suggestions it’s much appreciated!!!
Never had a problem when ordering from Aliexpress, or any Chinese seller, except for a few problematic ones.
For the 18650s, I would just get the Sofirn SP31+18650 combo so you can directly use it with the light, which is nice, and you don’t have to worry about shipping.
Fortunately though, since the lights I recommend aren’t particularly demanding, I would get these additional 18650s from PKCell:
They sell legitimate cells.
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