I took my TN4A HI out the other night with a friend, having not used it in several months as I was indulging in lots of other torches. Its performance surprised me just like the first time I took it for a spin. It really is such a great bit of kit, and those threads just feel so damn glorious. I’ll be buying a bunch more of these as presents, however, that USD to GBP is killing me atm. :person_facepalming:
…And I keep staring at the TN4A again… It is such a great light… Don’t know how long I can resist… It’s really my number 1 choice when it comes to 4AA lights…
I already have the old TN4A in NW XM-L2, but after reading PD68’s review I ended up getting the XP-L HI version as well. This is the best 4xAA light in my opinion.
Thanks for presentation.
I have just ordered one. One of big advantage of Thrunite is that they offer also NW tint.
Me personally never will buy flashlight with angry blue cool tint.
I could be mistaken I don’t think the tn4a ever came with a xml2 my nw one had a xpl v6 in it.
The ea41 is also one of my favorite aa lights. I kept the tn4a hi traded to nw one. But thrunites cool isn’t very cool like some lights. Like there nw lights are more warm then neutral
The TN4A was initially offered in XP-L V6 CW and XM-L2 U2 NW, but later changed to XP-L NW. I got the earlier light, it has a black button cover instead of the silver cover on my TN4A HI.
Hope you don’t mind me posting this question here. I recently purchased this light because of all of the positive review, but also to use next winter as a bike light. My goal is to use the light in turbo mode mostly, and recharge either daily or every other day. The first thing I learned is I need new batteries. Investigating the health of the ones I have, I found that when the light is in turbo mode it is very sensitive to the pressure between the battery pack and the electronics. No surprise, as the currents are pretty high, and a small change in voltage due to unwanted resistance results in big changes in current.
I saw at least one person comment on the low battery indicator being a bit finicky. Has anyone played around with trying to improve the pressure/connection between the battery pack and the electronics? I don’t think the current setup is ideal, something better would cause the pack to move toward the electronics without the pack rotating. sounds pretty grindy when you try and crank down the pressure to improve the connection.