Petrol lighters (zippo style)

I’ve been wanting to get a zippo for some time but whilst I was googling last night, a few people mentioned Star lighters. They are much cheaper and a lot of people like them.

The question is, where to buy them? Someone said focalprice but I couldn’t find them.

Any suggestions on which brand to get and where from?



Get a Zippo, which one do you want?

Here are a couple of videos on the Star lighter.

Yeah I may just get a standard brushed chrome one. The problem is everything is more expensive over this side of the pond, so the cheapest zippo is £10 ($15). I think they are a lot cheaper in the US. The star ones are supposed to be a few dollars.


The cheapest I’ve seen over here is about $10 for a plain satin chrome one. They sure can get up in price with all the custom finishes, though!

I’ve used a zippo for about 20 years, one from the vintage 1937 series with the square edges & corner slashes finished in high polished chrome. Very hard wearing it is. Had a few cheaper ones too and they just don’t hold up, false economy.

The brushed finish can be quite slippery but the smooth finishes are not.

Lubricate the hinge every so often and never let people try tricks with your one :wink:

Ditto on just getting a Zippo. Seriously, it’s not that expensive for something you may be using for years, although it is a major relief when you don’t have to anymore :wink: Not much that would break on it from normal use, and the lifetime warranty lets you just send it to Zippo for a “free” fix (at the cost of shipping) if you by chance run it over with your car or something.

Yeah you are all right, I think I’ll get a zippo £10 from Amazon get a ‘street chrome’ finish. Looks pretty good.

I’m not a smoker by the way, I have a log burner and need it for that. Using a cracking little Yibao at the moment, fancied a change.


For an indoor wood burner, a butan lighter with long handle Might be better, no gasoline smell and the long handle makes it comfortable to ignite.

For the cost of a zippo you will probably get some refillable ones with a bottle of butan…

Another vote for spending the money on the zippo. Mine is about 8 years old and holding up great. I highly recommend cutting a section of bicycle inner tube about 1.5” long and using it as a sleeve for your lighter. I’ve noticed significantly longer times between refills since less fluid evaporates. If you cut an even longer section it will also prevent damage to the finish.

P.S. Zippo, if it ever breaks…send it to em, they will repair it for free

Yes you are of course right, but zippos look cool. You know what we are like here, we like cool stuff, practical or not.


Marcl - Zippos are great. The biggest problem is they have a tendency to grow legs. That is how I spent my Zippo money...buying replacements ;)

Ditto, that’s why I went to cheap butanes by the multi-pack. With several on hand and the low cost, any loss is insignificant and I can always find one quickly. But to have lost that special engraved birthday present Zippo from a long-gone friend was a heartbreak I’d rather not endure again.


I have a couple of Zippo lighters because at the end of the day they are iconic designs. As a non smoker though I find them on a practical level a bit useless. Even with the anti evaporation tricks I tried I would find them almost always empty when I came to use them. The same goes for my Imco lighters etc. Cool industrial art etc but not suitable for occasional use. The best lighter I have found that suits my needs is the metal Clipper gas lighter. Bomb proof, inexpensive and attractive. Probably the best value quality lighter available in Europe.

Yes, I think that’s why I want one really, they are iconic. I would probably play with it more than light the log burner.

@sawmaster an bugs, I’m sorry you have lost yours. The thing I hate most is when I loose something. It doesn’t matter how much it costs, I can sometimes been seen turning the house upside down looking for one eneloop!

OK then Zippo it is. But chrome or brass?

Remember that there are a lot of colors, and a lot of themes.