Phooling with my Photon Phlaslight

I like the Photon 2 pro , it does all I want a pocket edc light to do, except look good.

So I phooled with it :slight_smile: , some Titanium, some brass and a few bits and pieces and I’m a lot happier

Theres a flashlight somewhere in there? :stuck_out_tongue:


That's pretty sweet, Boyo17! Let's see some more detailed pics and build details on that sweet steam punkish body you created for the Photon guts. 8)

I cut off the lanyard attachment on the Photon, wrapped a piece of brass around the body and sandwiched it in two pieces of Ti. Two Ti spacers and a bunch of o-rings and brass washers with a Nano clip.

This is my first attempt at ripping a Photon but won’t be the last , using this generic type of light gives me a cheap donor to play around with.

Here is a Fenix LD01

Great idea and execution. Love your work.

Wish I’d thought of it!

Nice work, very unique appearance on your creations. Very much like! :slight_smile: