Plastic Reflectors???

Thinking about ordering a few host that come with SMO plastic reflectors. How do they compare to aluminum? Any downside to them?

Usually the plastic reflectors perform better than aluminium ones, and have the extra advantage that they can not short out the emitter. Two downsides: if the reflector is part of the assembly that screwes the pill tight in the head, it will deform when screwed too tight (I had that in a cheap Ultrafire light), and if it is part of a hot-rod-mod, it can melt.

Aluminum reflector might help carry away a significant amount of heat, but I doubt it. Fwiw, most cars have plastic reflectors.

So as long as i’m not driving a light hard, it should be ok?

Plastic reflector are ok, but just remember this, you will never find a plastic reflector in a Fenix, Nitecore, or any other high end flashlight. Care to take a guess why?

Few things come to mind, but guessing risk of melting?

Aluminium is a better heat conductor than plastic, but how it performs depends on how well the reflector interfaces with the head.

ehem… Fenix TK70 and TK75 reflectors are plastics… they hold up just fine :wink:

I figured if there is a gasket in between the reflector base and the pbc, like mine usually have, that wouldn’t be an issue anyway.

I figured there were a few plastic reflector in some of them. Thanks for the correction DayLighter!

I actually like a good plastic reflector, like the one that comes (or used to come) in the ZY-T08. I'm not sure what you could melt it looks like a sort of fiberglass/resin. It doesn't melt when directly in contact with an MCPCB with either an MT-G2 at 10A or an XM-L2 at I don't think heat is an issue. That said, there are tons of different types and qualities of plastic out there so I wouldn't say they all are good, but I wouldn't count one out just because it is plastic!

What do you like about them?

I prefer a well made aluminum reflector, but not many lights actually have well made ones. Plastic is fine, but I prefer the finish on a good aluminum reflector.

@blfdemigod, I am considering why ? , I thought some plastic reflector is pretty good, the aluminum reflector is apparently more expensive

Plastic reflector are fine, but in most cheap lights those reflectors beside they are plastic, they are also poorly made.

Plastic reflectors are in no way worse than metal reflectors. Sure you can get poorly made plastic reflectors, but you can also get poorly made aluminium reflectors too.

Yeah I wasn't buying that one for a minute ...

I think a lighter weight reflector could be a good thing .

Lots of high end lights aren't ever broken into to find out what they are made of .

If they are designed correctly,properly chosen and installed ,what materials they are made from is not of that much importance .

bragging rights maybe :P

Why would that be?

I’m guessing a lot of manufacturers don’t have the means to produce an aluminium reflector that’s as polished as a plastic reflector.

They vacuum plate the reflectors, don't polish them.