First, I need to state right up front that this might never happen. I might just buy a Jaxman Z1 pre-built. I’ll get to that in a bit.
I took a C8 apart today, put it back together and it works, so I think I’m ready to build my first light. I’ve been thinking a huge honkin’ zoomie. Note that I’m guessing on components, but Richard does suggest the driver.
Keeping in mind that this will be the 1st light I’m building, and right now I want it to be kept simple, is there anything that you’d do differently? Anything here that won’t work nicely with each other? Anything that isn’t on the list that should be?
Comments are desired. Especially what I could expect from this light as compared to the Jaxman Z1. (I read about build quality of the Jaxman as compared to the 1405 and that’s why I might not go through with this. )
This driver >>>>>click here <<<<<<<
180 secs turbo timeout
output current 5.1 amps ? (Richards suggested max’- will it cause problems? should I go less?)
Coilcraft inductor
3v led
Modes Mtn-Max standard
Mem- yes
2s LVP
I’m sorry, I don’t know anything about the Jaxman Z1. I just want to say that I’m looking forward to seeing what you do in this build. I hope it turns out like you want it the first time!
Why would you do this? You can put the XPL HI in the place of the XML and be even more efficient, and brighter for the same current. Also HI is dedomed and it will provide a better throw, especially in a 1405 (i know i have it). My 1405 is the default version with XML2 and a horrid 0.9A driver at tailcap. I will be putting the XHP70 in direct drive, but if I go towards your route I would pick XPL HI over XML2 any day. I ordered the HI for a C8 @ 3.7A
The UF-1405 is a single cell host and the mtnmax is two cell minimum. Were you planning on using 2-18350 cells trading capacity for voltage? In terms of turbo time, modes, and LVP one of the fet drivers will give you the same options and with an 18650 you won’t be giving up any run time. Also, an XPG or XPL - HI will produce a much tighter beam than an XML.
Hey, I’m new to this, but doesn’t “2x26650” mean it’s a 2 26650 cell capable host?
David, I haven’t a clue, hence my asking folks to kick it around. The big lense interested me, so does a light with huge throw; they seemed to work together.
The 1405 is indeed a 2-cell light. FYI, you link to a different host in your OP.
Your build parts should work together. Though I’m not familiar with the XML2; I remember hearing some of the latest ones could not handle high current.
What do you want out of this build? If you want max throw, you should use an XPL HI or a dedomed XPL or XML. The jaxman Z1 is significantly smaller than the 1405. It will be more portable but it won’t throw as far as the 1405 which has a larger lens.
I would also consider the single cell version of the 1405, the UF 1504, also available at MTN. Use this host with a FET driver.
So, I would prioritize the qualities you want in this light. And remember you can always just get another light if this one turns out to not fulfill all the qualities you want.
Whoops! Sorry for linking to the wrong host :person_facepalming: . I had been comparing hosts and I linked to the wrong one (obviously). It’s been corrected.
Yeah, for this light, if I do it, I want a thrower and just as bright as I can get. I don’t know why I want it. Just because I can I suppose (for kicks). I certainly don’t need it. Plus it’ll be fun to say I “built it”. Just as it gave a me a kick today to tear apart the C8 and put it back together.
Thanks for kicking this around and catching my errors. Now I need to look into the suggestions and figure out why they were made. I’m trying to understand the way this works.
If I understand this, the V6 bin contains the brighter LEDs. Mountain doesn’t appear to have the HI version from the V6 bin. Am I understanding this correctly?
Edit: the beam color isn’t terribly important to me, but I understand that the cool white LED color would be warmed somewhat by the de-doming.
Sounds decent enough, though I tend to agree that the xp-l hi would be as better choice. But…. Why not go for broke, 4x 26350’s, mtnmax driver set up for 12v output with 4s cells and set it to, about 2-3a driving an xhp-35 hi. That would be the light of the year!
That would be a massive light! But if I have a grasp of the 2 cell version, it won’t be a small light either, but I don’t know if I want 4 Li-Ion cells in series. That gives me the willies. Could the xhp-35 hi be driven with 2 cells (5200maH @ 100% efficiency to make it simple) and for how long do you think (on max) ? Typically the light wouldn’t be on max’ for very long anyway. I suspect it would get fairly hot fairly quickly and I don’t want to melt (or hurt) components. I don’t know what the switch and such are rated for.
Basically I’m not looking for a flashbulb. That may date me. The old flashbulbs were used once in a holder and replaced after every use. They WERE extremely bright. If I understood the technology it was a fine Mg filament in an O2 atmosphere, but in a bulb. I could be wrong about that construction but the flash bulb was definitely not going to be used twice. To see one after it had been used would convince one of the one shot use. Yeah, I don’t want this light to be a “flash” light if you get my drift.
BTW, as suggestions are made I’m trying to figure out how they’d work out as best I can with what little I know and can glean from online sources.
I just might try some of these suggestions just to play around with them and see what happens. If I build one light I can mod’ it, right (?) and turn it into something other. Or as was suggested (I think it was anyway), sell it and build another. Good thing these are budget lights. I’d hate to see it if they actually cost big bucks! (right!) Yeah, this could get expensive! (the wife is already making noises and she doesn’t see the bills, just the lights. )
If I start working on the light . Right now I have hundreds of dollars that need to go into other projects, and by the time I see my way clear to buy parts I may have decided on a different light. I know it’s not the same light, but I like build quality, and may just buy an off the shelf Z1 instead building a UF 1405.
OK, back to the “if”. If I do build it I will definitely update here.
Looks good to me. I have that driver in a convoy l2 build and the led handles 5 amps just fine.i think mine has a nichia 219c
If I was you I would buy the xp-l hi as well. For the extra $5 you can try both out and see which you like better. Take the one you don’t use and upgrade another light.