please help erase this!

sorry, plz withdraw this. it is a wrong one. thank you!

cool looking pen,are you gonna stab someone with one of those?

Wow, by an amazing coincidence, Doingoutdoor are also asking about these very same pens on CPF.

:ghost: Slightly eerie smiley avatar you got going on there. :ghost:

No eyes projects an certain eeriness, like the aliens from the “Aliens” movies.

What pens, April? They sound illegal! :~

I’d delete the thread but my sonic screwdriver is at texaspyros getting hotted up. When I get it back l’ll look into it for you.

It is too late! It has been written.

i like the pen. it looks very tacticool!! :crown:

Was it these? I wonder can you write with NexTool and it has a glass breaking tip too?

Yep, those are the pens.

…. omg, seriously?
Thats borderline abuse! I’m turning you in.

There is a story to this kitten. The hoomin responsible knitted these outfits to help her feeding after a horrible crow attack: