Please help me choose a driver to repair this light?

So i bought a “for parts or repair’ Life+gear LG454 off ebay. Here you can see the light I am referencing.\_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

It uses what looks like 6 XP-Gs. Here is the board. Am I correct these are in series?

And here is the busted driver.

The middle black box is the one that is broken. I tried soldering it back on but no dice.

The existing driver measures 50mm. It fits into a heavy brass pill VIA retaining ring.

Any ideas what i can use to replace it?

I am intending to use 4x 18650’s in a sleeve VS using the 6C cells it was originally asking for.

Ouch! That’s a tough order to fill. How deep is the pill? It looks pretty shallow.

LEDs are wired 3 series/2 parallel.

Inductors like that are pretty common, though I'd be surprised if that one being physically broken is what killed the driver. It's hard to break something like that while it's still inside the light.

The light was previously opened before I got in there. One leg of that part was already broken off when i got in.

The pill is very shallow. It is 16mm tall but inside dimension I would say somewhere around 10-12mm. There is a 20mm hole that the wires ran through to a contact board which then makes contact with the switch.

I suppose the whole thing could be changed. I only paid $20 for the whole light.

the head is 60mm inside dimension

How about using a resistor and doing direct drive?

Similar to Elektrolumens?