I am new to the forum, not by choice. Back at the end of last year/beginning of this year I bought a Q8 and tried signing up here but for some reason my email address wasn't acceptable. Anyway, I am back and now a member. I have been a flashaholic on the other forum for over a decade.
While I was here looking for info on the Q8 I saw posts about a AAA light that was extremely well built, maybe stainless steel or titanium, latest emitter, etc. If memory serves it was priced way up there but seemed like it might have been worth the cost. It might have been a custom light built by a forum member, I am just not sure.
Can anyone help point me in the direction of the light I saw or maybe another light that is a superb AAA, 10440, EDC keychain performer? I have tried the Ultratac K18 in both stainless steel and brass. The stainless model failed after a couple of months. Not completely but enough that it is too unreliable to carry. It seems to suck a 10440 down in no time and begins a 3 pulse flash indicating low voltage. The brass unit is working fine so far. Still, I don't feel secure enough to give up my Surfire Titan 7 years old and still the most reliable. I just need something more current, brighter maybe with a clicky. Thanks in advance.
I don’t really do pricey (especially in a small light, it’s just too damned easy to lose…), but czech out the Zanflare F3. Boring black ano, not Ti or Cu or anything fancy, but it’s built like a rock, and got a tailclicky.
Lumintop makes a bunch of AAA lights that are obscenely expensive, for me at least. But hey, go crazy…
I don't usually do pricey either but this AAA light I saw here looked really special and I was thinking of getting it as a special gift for a special someone. Thanks for the suggestion, I would consider a Zanflare for myself but I need something special for the gift. In fact, I will likely get the F3 as my next light.
One feature may help jog members' memories and help identify the special light I am searching for: I seem to remember it had tritium colored tubes that could be ordered separately to add bling to the light.
hmm, I don't think so... seems like there was a thread here where members could order - but only members - frustrating to me at the time because I was having a tough time creating an account. It seems like it was a very high output AAA with a price tag of around $90 or so. I could be off on the price. I might even be off on the tritium tubes... It's driving me nuts - but that's a short trip anyway
Thanks, that looks like what I had seen back at the beginning of the year. But I thought it was a AAA light? Maybe I misinterpreted the post/thread, I guess that is possible but it really seems like it was a "keychain AAA" light with tritium with the BLF name attached. I wonder if there is a AAA version of this light - time to try more variations with Google. I am confident now that if it's out there I will find with all of your help. Thanks to everyone for posting. Every bit of info helps.
the Lumintop tool in titanium has an electronic tail switch, not very common and a bit quirky at first start up (there’s a capacitor that powers the eswitch that does a slow charge the first time a battery is installed)
This is a really sweet little AAA in Ti, probably what you’re seeking.
He didn’t rule it out and sorry for the huge pic. Still trying to learn posting pics.
Each site seems to have its own way of posting.
That TAIN is a piece of artwork and he has a new model of it coming with a bit more throw and more intricate knurling.
I must resist. More into budget lights now.
He remembers seeing a light here when he was looking for something else and he’s trying to find it, thought it was pretty pricey but liked it’s build and thought it may be worth it, doesn’t WANT to spend a lot, but liked that light.
Venice, you should go back and edit that picture, put a percentage in that value, even if it’s 100% it will limit the photo to the size of the screen it’s being looked at on… as it is it’s even larger than my 24” monitor…