please tell me the difference between these two sipik sk68

Thanks. I’ve clicked my way through a bunch and it seems I can get an “UltraFire” with a silver ring (rest is black) and it mentions “strong, weak and flashling” (sic)\_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

This one seems to be all black and has a High, Low and Strobe…also “UltraFire”

This one has no name and is all black and mentions the 3 mode\_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

So I guess they’re out there……for some reason I was focused on finding the “UltraOK” but is an “UltraFire” just as good? I’ve also seen “CitiPower” (I wonder if CitiBank will sue them). I mean I’m assuming these are all just knockoff lights and it doesn’t matter what is printed on that little flat spot or even if nothing is printed there? Tonight I can’t locate an UltraOK (or at least I’ve stopped clicking on Ebay listings at this moment).

I realize I’m probably obsessing too much over a $7 purchase but if there is any “good” ones vs bad, then I’d like to not build up an inventory of 10 of these things trying to find it……

I love this quote from one of the ads by the way

“Please do not put it directly to people’s eyes for the powerful light is harmful and it will make you blind temporarily, especially for the kid.”

What is runtime on a regular Eneloop vs a 14500? I saw some of these ads included a 14500 but it was like 900 mah……vs 2100 or so for an Eneloop.

Not sure I need to spend extra for 14500 as I already have a 10 pack of Eneloops from Costco for $2/battery.

No, they are being given out to non-flasholholics. I would be afraid to give them li-ion batteries. I will probably put L91 AAs in them and suggest rechargeable AA if they like the light.

All the single modes that I received while trying to get three modes were given to my customers. They were big hits even with AAs. This is a good flashlight even with AAs. Especially for the unenlightened. :slight_smile:

Really didn’t like the 3 mode as much as the Single mode. Reason being that the switch is not as good quality for changing modes on some deals. Bought a few sets as gifts. The worse is 3 modes with the Silver head. I got to cannibalise the sets to make up a few good sets. The driver is not connected properly and such.

Dream Toys - Good…\_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

Wholesale China - Sucky…\_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

Toptom Single mode - All in working condition.\_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

Focalprice - Bought on 4th Feb. Used everyday as night lamp… Indestructible…

My opinion is to spend the extra dollar and get the one I linked to. If you look closely, you will see in the pictures that the lense is wider in the link I gave out than the lense in the other links.

The lights I bought at dayxmas were the best quality of all that I bought. It is still a lottery. YMMV

I toyed around with this zoomie hunt for a few months. I found that the search term CREE Q5 LED 200 Lumens Zoom Waterproof Camping gave me the lights I was looking for.

Some people are after the absolute cheapest way. I found spending that extra dollar or two made a difference.
I know several people that carry the three mode I like and it is very durable. That is not saying that there was not a lemon or two in the bunch.

Three mode or single mode, wide lense or narrow lense, if it works properly, you will probably like it. I just preferred the wide lense, three mode.

I’ll check it out. I need to look at the pics to see what you mean by wide lens.

So basically should we ignore the name on the side?

To the poster who said the silver ones were bad, do you mean. The one with the silver ring sort of one third the way from the front?

I had the same experience - bought from the same vendor, and they are sucky - one barely worked…they sent me a new one, but even still they just aren’t that bright, even with 14500 (the lights with the silver ring). Customer service was great however.

My best was also this one from Focalprice, before I modded it with a real 3 mode driver :stuck_out_tongue: We should all bug Bryan at Shiningbeam to get that driver back in stock, it’s simply perfect for this light.

Is that Focal price one a single mode it appears?

Hi all, this is my first post…
I just ordered these UltraOK from $5.75 shipped



can’t wait to have them on hand…

> ultraOK … Microdigital

interesting — that picture also shows the retaining ring with a couple of nice round holes, instead of the square notch:

Interesting the MicroDigital picture is also in the same album “vikico” as the pictures from the two ebay sellers mentioned earlier.

If anyone gets one of these that actually has the threaded ring with the two holes, instead of the square notches, please mention where it came from.

Isn’t it weird — there are so many different apparent sellers for these things, but they’re mostly from just a few places — and none of them have decent drivers in them, nor are the LEDs properly attached for heat transfer (either nothing or a glob of goop).

If someone can find a decent driver board — the right diameter — like the one Shiningbeam used to be able to get — it’d sure make these better lights.

Welcome aboard hogan773 !
Selamat Datang bocah !

G’day Mate! thx for the warm welcome… :slight_smile:

I got the UltraOK from VikiCo……price was 2.99+2.99. Think I got gyped since I probably could have had it for $5.88 :slight_smile:

Anyway the name of the seller on the packaging was “Betty Li”

Is that what MicroDigital is too? If so I’ll just buy from them to save the 10 cents on the next one!

I need to take some pix but I got the UltraFire 3 mode and the UltraOK single mode. They are actually different in many ways! I thought they’d be identical but they’re not.

The ultra ok ones are better they have a much nicer tint and there is a o ring that sits in a deep hole on the pill . they have a little bit better tailclicky that now has 2 holes ..i assume it is threaded and can be replaced or accessed easier .Overall a nicer feel. The three mode version has a metal oring that scratches as you zoom instead of slides says [ Smart ] on the side pretty foul purple tint and output on a eneloop is about 100 on high and 60 on low ...on a 14500 it's probably about 200 lumens ..Imho the ultra ok is the best I've seen out of about 5 different vendors /better than tom tom

becuz pondering how a metal o-ring would feel sliding against more metal doesn’t appeal to me in the least. Like I’ve said, if I really like something I buy it in bulk. I’ve now bought these in bulk. The way the dollar continues to devalue and fuel prices going up I figure it’s only a matter of short time before these cost double.