C’mon guyz. Pocket size + THROW. Not walking around like he’s John Holmes, Jeremy Irons, Boaz, man. I mean he ain’t tryin’ out for ‘Boogie Nites II’, here ok?
Surprised kinda that no one goes into zoomie land options. I’ve got zoomers that out throw per oz, girth, and length vast majority of reflector flashes ‘handedly’. And this is with 14500/even AA. TRUE pocket rockets.
Now granted dedoming most times helps significantly. Butt even then without dedoming he should get there with a zoomie short of an Acebeam W10/LEP type easily.
He won’t impress the ladies as much tho’ butt that’s another story.
PS. AFAIK John Holmes has expired so he ain’t doin’ much walkin’ these days.
PSS. To me, any 18650 size flash in a pants pockets feels like borderline ridiculous. It’s heavy, it bulges, and it’s swingin’ into and bangin’’ around too close and thus potentially rubbing up too warm against Mr. Happy. I might as well keep a roll of radioactive lead quarters down there. Jacket pocket another deal altogether. C8 doable of course. Back pants pocket goes quasi-stupid if ya gotta sit down a lot especially in public. I mean watt do ya do then? Set it on the ground next to you? Yeah a pipe-looking object. That’ll work just great these days.
Bottom line, ‘pocket’ practically means pretty dam small and light. Unless he carries a purse witch these days ain’t all that uncommon either.
PSSS. Oh btw, ‘pocket size’ really should include SHIRT POCKETS too. Have ya ever tried to comfortably clip on or otherwise EDC a 18650 flash in a shirt front pocket? First and foremost it pulls/sags your neck ring/collar over so much that it looks like you’re essentially homeless or you buy all your T’s&shirts from Cheap Azz T-Shirt Mart. It really sux!
PSSSS. Somehow this post wavered into rant territory.
PSSSSS. Ya know before ya buy anything try one of these uber-Xpensive little jobbies. I EDC one when I wanna go REAL light, stealthy and sleek, plus it has THROW. Now I did mod it some by using a dedomed XPG2 and legoed another brand switch on it butt I gotta say when it weighs only about 20 grams and has the output it does, an AWESOME true pocket size wunder. I even kept the pocket clip on which I kinda rarely do for other flashes since I tend to belt holster 18650 and above. Even stock this little runt will perform decent enuff in the throw dept., plus ya got flood too to boot. It may not be the ‘most’ throw butt I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised bang for the grams. Btw I run a AAA Eneloop in mine. Watts not to like?