Thank you, I’m really impressed by this result, you surely made a good job with the focus !
Thank you.
Several hours trying different centering gaskets of different thickness. I finally got the tightest spot without using any.
It’s a shame it gets very hot too fast
Emisar D1, $35 from intl-outdoors, fits in the coin pocket on my jeans and ride’s better than the D4 for me.
from less throwy to more throwy:
1) Convoy S2+ (with XPL-Hi) or Sofirn SP31 v2.0 (with XPL-Hi):
(not really much of a thrower due to the small-sized head; but using the throwy XPL-Hi LED makes them more throwy than similar sized flashlights that use XP-L or XP-L2)
2) Astrolux MH10 (Imalent DN11 clone) = this uses an XPL-Hi, its head is similar size as the BLF X5 / Astrolux S3 so it can throw pretty close to the BLF X5 / Astrolux S3 = when using the 18350 tube, it’s quite small but with a slightly disproportionate head
(I think this product may have been discontinued though)
3) BLF X5 / Astrolux S3 = XPL-Hi, FET driver
- it actually has similar head size as the Astrolux MH10/Imalent DN11, but uses FET driver
- this out-throws the Convoy S2+ or Sofirn SP31 v2.0 XPL-Hi.
- downside is it uses low-capacity 14500s (and hard to find high-drain capable 14500s)
- hoping the upcoming GT Micro may surpass this in terms of throw (GT Micro will also use 14500)
4) Emisar D1 = the bigger head makes it out-throw the Astrolux S3 / BLF X5 ; when used with the 18350 tube, it is a small flashlight
5) Astrolux S2 / BLF X6v2 = when mated with the Mateminco X6S short 18350 tube to make it a smaller flashlight; the bigger head makes it out-throw the Emisar D1 slightly
6) GT Mini with 18350 tube = power of the GT Mini in a short format. The head is disproportionately big though…
Can someone estimate the throw of the Convoy S2+/M2 with the 1mm^2 Osram “White Flat”?
S2+ and M2 are quite different.
I have an Olight R20 with a white flat 1mm², it does about 50kCd. The M2 should be pretty close.
No idea about the S2+, a good focus could give maybe 30kCd I’d guess
He did also state that he already has a C8 style light and he is looking for something smaller.
X3 30kCd translates to approx how many meters of theoretical range?
346 meters.
Thanks Pete7874! That would be quit impressive for such a small (diameter) light I guess.
Pete, what is the formula for computing theoretical throw range (in meters) from candelas? Thanks.
Update: Did some research and answered my own question. Throw (in meters) is given by:
If the BLF-A6 is throwy enough, keep in mind that it can {i think-the Astrolux S1 does that, and it is supposed to be the same light} be made smaller by using the 18350 tube option.
Though that cuts run time a lot.
I'll second the earlier comment for the Jaxman M8 (previously known as the Mini C8). It's not quite clipped-into-pants EDC for me, but much more pocketable than a full C8. Right under the $30 mark, too. I added a solder-blob on mine to change the mode-grouping to L-M-H.
Beyond that, a Convoy S2+ with XPL-HI and the newer driver firmware, if you're sticking with tubes only. I think for much better you have to get into zoomies (which I don't know much about, sorry) or some more interesting LED choices, which would likely require your own modding or be outside the stated budget.
I really like my X5 with XD16 (>40kcd @ 2.6A tail draw) and would buy another if the GT micro wasn’t a thing.
Manker T02? 2x 14 500 or 2x AA. More expensive, in my opinion good.
OSRAM KW CSLNM1.TG (1mm2), KW CSLPM1.TG (2mm2) & CULNM1.TG 1mm2 version of Oslon boost HX [image] Some of us prefer to call them White Flat 1mm or White Flat 2mm. This is edited thread so first available version that we managed to test is White flat 1mm (CSLNM1.TG) so first part of edited post starts with it: [image] Led4Power brought us this interesting emitters and I had opportunity to test this led in direct comparison with good old XP-G2 S4 2B dedomed. Used same host(uniquefire 1503, 5…
Look at BobbyMk post for s2+ with white flat led
Astrolux S2 - 1400 lumen incredible for it size throw! Uses XPL-HI
I guess the OP didn’t really care after all. Never came back to acknowledge anyone’s effort of ideas for him.