Love this light but hate the green tint. Anyone that can guide to to an individual that can change out the emitter to something better?
Rather than send mine out would prefer to just pay someone to order the light and make the change.
I have no interest in attempting it myself
To many other hobbies to start tearing into flashlights…
I know it does not matter to the OP, as he wants someone to do this for him. But, I looked at mine and it appears like the head is one piece. No bezel, at least not what I typically call a bezel. It really looks like it everything is loaded from the back of the head. Maybe a pill that screws in… or press fit ??
Not sure and I am not very interested in the light anyway, so I am not going to waste time trying tear into it further.
Though, just out of curiosity, I would love to hear how it comes apart.
What do you like about the light that would make paying to get it modded worthwhile ? It would probably be cheaper (and IMHO better) to just buy a different light that comes closer to what you want… There are plenty out there in this class of light.
Love the size and feel in hand- I almost always have a light in hand while sitting down- Something to fidgit with
Any recommendations?
Currently own the following small lights, Pokelit, rider, ts10, i3t, i5t, baton3, several aurora’s. Weltool Little duke and sofirn 21 pro on the way. Need to order a pineapple.
New to the hobby and having a great time learning and playing on the farm- Only problem is staying awake until dark this time of year
Dont really mind low cri but cannot stand green tints
When I’m comparing similar lights, say those with clickies and take aa, the big things to consider are emitter, UI, size, looks, and price. With that in mind, I think the Convoy T3 is hard to beat. Lots of LED options including 519A (no green tint), the 12 group driver gives you lots of UI choices (aa and 14500 support), there’s multiple body colors, and it’s less than 20 bucks. My only gripe is it’s a little chunky for an aa light.
But if you already have a TS10 why would you want anything else?
I see we have different thoughts on this. There are lots of lights that I like the feel of in hand, but they are larger lights. 18650 and 21700 lights.
For this kind of light I like small and light. If it is going to be in my pocket I just don’t want it to be in the way. It is also nice to have a light tail stand. If you compare the Pokelit to something like the Tool AA the Eagtac D25A, or the TS 10, it comes up lacking in those areas.
I carry a TS10 every hour I am awake. I have several now… just ordered one in copper. As @James_C said… if you have one of those… well already have what I think is the best available in the 14500 form factor lights. The only downside is the lack of AA/NiMh support.
I also agree with James that the T3 is one to try. My only objection is that it is a bit big for my preference.
Maybe try some more TS10lights. Different colors, different body materials, aux colors, CCT. Learn Andruil 2 well and set them up to you liking. Not much reason to look further.
If you want dual fuel (14500/AA) I would recommend the Tool AA v2.0 with a Nichia 219C. You can get a kit with the diffuser and magnetic tail cap included. Especially with the kit, it covers all of the things I find to be important in a light of this size.
I just don’t see the Pokelit to be worth spending (probably much) more than it cost new to get someone to swap the LED on it (I mean, just shipping both ways will kill you).
But, if you love it enough to do it, hopefully someone will see this thread and volunteer to do it for you.
Just buy the Green model!
Only $16.95 on Amazon and a nice high CRI emitter stock.
I own both and EDC the brighter Gray one because I use it a lot in the daytime in dark spots of my workshop or under the hood of a car.
The thing that is great about this flashlight is it is VERY hard to have the light come on in your pocket and it has no dang blinkies/strobe.
3 gears and ability to use both 14500 and Eneloop style rechargable NiMh.