It’s been a while since I did a build thread for you all, so here’s one I’ve been ruminating on for a while. I reviewed this light a few years ago for 1Lumen (along with the smaller Gearlight S1000) as part of “the most popular light on Amazon” reviews. Link It’s a 4 AA powered zoomie. It was pretty basic with just a screw-in hollow aluminum pill with a pressed-in shelf, telescopic zoom head, 3 mode linear driver, and a fake xm-l2. In short, it was expectedly bad, but had some endearing qualities.
I have a soft spot for zoomies, and decided why not do the right thing and spend hours and hours planning, trouble-shooting, brainstorming, making custom parts, add enduring much frustration and tool-throwing to make it into a viable, practical flashlight. I did this to the S1000 and it turned out okay, so why not? Hey, it’s only a bad idea if it doesn’t work, right? If youtubers can take dried up animal poo and make it shiny, I’m sure I take a terrible Amazon zoomie good. Here’s the basics:
Host: Gearlight S2000
Battery: 26800
Driver: 26 mm mountain electronics FET+7135
UI: Bistro
LED: L90 9090 size round die 50W on 26mm mcpcb
Batteries. The light uses a carrier with 4 AAs in series. It’s roughly 120mm long and the 26800 is 80mm long so a roughly 20 mm gap to span (actually closer to 25) somehow between the base of the pill and battery top. I ended up going for a 30mm OD, 24 mm ID aluminum tube cut to length. I’ll braze this to the base of the pill.
Heatsinking: The stock pill is very hollow with a 2mm pressed-in shelf. It was bent from the factory from excessive pressing force (the tool mark was visible) so that had to be fixed. Im cheap, so I cut up some old PC heatainks to size and ground them down to round to fit snug in the pill then aluminum and will braze them in place.
More to come on this one as I get along (photos and such) so stay tuned!