You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
$158 @ 15pcs GB
$154 @ 25pcs GB
$150 @ 30pcs GB
MSRP is $214. L3 X40 is $220
I had forgot about PayPal fees. I will be charged a PP fee, and Supbeam will charge me a PP fee. But I have still estimated the final price a little on the high end to be safe. I would rather come back with a lower number than a higher one.
I would have the items shipped FedEx to me in the US, and then ship them USPS to the members. I have been running some numbers and that is the way to get the lowest price and fastest shipping.
So this one is aimed at US members, but I would be willing to ship to other countries if you are willing to pay postage. Also, if enough interest, I may be able to work something out to make in international
Edit: I updated the pricing to show what it could be at different numbers. They may also be a tad lower, I estimated a little high just incase. I am tired of estimates being low up front and then higher once the group buy starts
Aonter edit: added a "Yes [International]", which may change some minds, and may just confuse
someone email vinh again lol
The only reason I thought about doing US only is it cuts shipping time and costs a hair. If there is enough interest outside of the GB, then we may be able to work something out
I messaged vinh.
he doesn’t prefer this light as a mod host because the beam has artifacts and isn’t focused properly
Haven’t got my M6 yet.
Missed ordering the K40 by a few hours.
Vinh doesn’t like the light.
That’s very funny
This light doesn't really fit any category well... and base price is too high to buy it as a light automatically for modding.
It's probably completely unrealistic, but it would have to be no higher than $100-$120 to be interesting. A second K40 groupbuy would probably do better... love my K40 :D
i was also thinking a second k40 GB would do good... but running numbers, it would not be possible to do under $100.
at the 15pcs price for the x40, it is less than a sample from the factory before shipping, and a lot less than MSRP. more than $60 less
That X60 looks awesome!! here - 105mm head, 6 cells, looks like a TK75 with the extender. Wonder what the price is... It's gotta be an ouch .
MSRP is 299.00 Alice was going to try and work out a GB. That was Saturday but have not heard anything new yet.
Now that does look interesting, if they are driving each LED at at least 2A, hopefully more.
I just ran some more numbers.
K40-l2: $105 each shipped within US. Minimum of 22 pieces
X40-l2: $157 each shipped within US. Minimum of 15 pieces
I had totally forgot about PP fees until a member reminded me about them.
This pricing is based off the retailers pricing. In order to get this price I will have to pay for it all as one order, and have them shipped to me. I will have to pay a 3.5% fee, in turn they will charge a 3.5% fee. So feed twice sucks...
The larger the order, more will be saved on shipping from them to me, dropping the overall price.
Also, the more items ordered, the less the base price for each light will be
The X60 will not be available until mid/end of October. Have not been able to get anymore details yet
While the Supbeam X40-L2 seems interesting, I cant help but take heed of candle lamp’s comparative review (over at the overzealous nazi moderated hang-out).
(From the review)
Check out the relative light-box lux comparisons of these 3 lights:
…and the beam shots:
There’s just no substitute for a large, well designed reflector. Considering that the xtar S1 can easily be modded and beats the X40 (presumably while using less power and having a more efficient reflector), maybe the S1 would be a better alternative. I have one and it isnt glued. If there’s interest, maybe cellguy can check into a group buy.
Like others, I wonder how the X60 will do in terms of drive current and overall performance?
If there’s interest, maybe cellguy can check into a group buy.
Through the end of August, anyone get the S1 shipped worldwide for $149. STORE LINK The S1 is a beast and well worth that price. I modded mine with new emitters to go NW without losing any lumens. The S1 host is not glued and well driven so a straight emitter swap is a piece of cake. I went with XML2 T6 3C’s.
I have the numbers on a GB from XTAR but need to clarify if they are at the individual world wide shipping cost or wholesale to me plus shipping.
How do these lights (S1, X40, X60 etc) compare to a $125.00 BTU Shocker?
How do these lights (S1, X40, X60 etc) compare to a $125.00 BTU Shocker?
I do not own a Shocker so I may be out of my depth, but it is my understanding the S1 is comparable in visible brightness and much better driven/regulated and therefore able to run on high for a much longer time.
I dont have any of them yet, so I can not say. What I do know is you can charge the cells with them in the light on the x40, and it has a variable brightness control ring
S1 vs BTU: Comparing lux (high mode vs high mode), the S1 actually puts out slightly more lumens in my light box than my BTU Shocker (241k vs 227k). The BTU will beat the S1 in turbo but only for 3 minutes before the protection circuit kicks it back down to high mode.
The S1 has a magnetic rotating mode selection ring (no guess work for the proper mode), 3 x XM-L and uses 3 × 18650’s in parallel without the bulk of a battery carrier. Works with short flat top unprotected Sanyo UR18650FM all the way up to the long Panasonic protected 3400’s. The reflectors are deep for great throw, with a moderately tight hotspot. It also puts out a nice spill beam. IMO, the quality is top-notch and comparable to the larger Olight & Fenix flashlights. I measured current at 8.5A in high mode, so the emitters are well driven. All this and they didnt glue the bezel, so its easy to mod.
The BTU is a huge heavy tank while the S1 is much more refined and sophisticated. Everyone should have both. IMO, the S1 is one of the most overlooked great values in a triple XML of this type.