I looked on the net and in blf forum and see people using somekind of diffuser film that you can buy online to make your throwy flashlight have a floody beam. So i’ve been thinking why bother spent money on a film when you can use some plastic bag for free? I guess the efficiency won’t be as good as the commercial stuff, but it can’t be that bad right?
This make the beam nearly 180 degree wide
in case you are a lazy a$$ like i am, then cutting and fitting, trimming is too much. Just get it done, who needs it to be good looking anyway right? Beside when you want to see something in the distance, remove the rubber band and put it back when done is more convenient and faster than remove the clumsy bezel.
this trick particular effective when you have a headlamp. I try this on my “Armytek wizard noob”(non-pro)
That was a plastic bag that they gave me alot when i went out shopping, having it laying around gave me the idea.
I wasn’t finish my writing when you were watching.I supposed to click the review button but instead i hit save by accident :person_facepalming: .
You can find 2 different sheets of diffuser film in LCD monitors.
So if you find a broken monitor somewhere, you can take it apart and source 2 sheets.
One is some 5° and the other some 20°, maybe more than 20° (my guesstimates)
You can cut discs and glue it on the glass lens with Kafuter UV curing glue or what ever you prefer.
Glueing eliminates the mirror effect between sheet and lens = less loss.
I have wax paper on my headlamp for 4 years now.
Didn’t like the hot spot glaring/reflecting back at me.
Just cut it to size and slightly mist the lens with purified water and apply.
Pardon but what do you mean by saying degree? I never saw the inside of an LCD screen before. It’s nice that you mention mirror effect between sheet and lens, i don’t want my sheet to be permanent but removable to see in the distance when needed. So i guess there will always be gap between glass and the film => inefficiency. Are there anyway to by pass this?
Or that foam they send lights in ..That 2 foot long sheet rolled up makes a light saber diffuser.. try coffee creamer bottles , smoothie bottles . Avoid most of the milk jug type materials add a kind of dull grey cast to the beam . same with your basic coffee cup lids..too much grey tint for me . Film canisters, medicine bottles < usually kill too many lumens .
I'm selling 15 different sheets of materials at like a $1-$1.50 a sheet
Hardly what I'd call expensive .One sheet diffuses about 30 convoy S2's .../
I'm not saying don't use odds and ends because I still have some odd materials on a few lights ...but upgrading to better diffuser isn't really extravagant :P
I just fixed it. I don’t know what happened with picassa, their host suck.
I plant to use the diffusor for hiking and jungle exploring. Paper is too wimpy and too thick, water will ruin it. So does the milk jug and the bottles, their are thicccc. As far as i see wax paper and plastic bags are the most fit, but i’m still trying to figure out how to make a quick detachable system to quickly toggle flood/throw mode
P/s: 1.5$ is the amount of money i spend in 2 days on food, that’s not a poormans option i afraid :money_mouth_face:
Tracing paper is also very good, I think better than others because of lower absorption.
To fix it I use very thin transparent adhesive film, with borders bigger than the tracing paper to glue on the glass or borders of the flashlight. To keep them in the wallet I use the cover that comes with the film so that they don’t lose the glue.