HI - If you are not familiar with the SPARK SP6 - please check out the fantastic review of it below, which was done by TurboBB. The light is really nice, with the coolest part of the light being the reflector/LED placement.
Review: SPARK SP6 (5 x XM-L T6) by TurboBB
Here are some photos of the reflector/led set up of the SPARK SP6
So now that you are familiar, or refamiliarized with the SPARK SP6, what is this mystery poor man's version?
Here are some photos of the reflector/led setup:
You'll notice in the photo above, that this poor man's version only has 4 LED's total, and the reflector is divided up into thirds and not quartered as on the SPARK.
In this photo above you can make out one of the side LED's.
Above you can see the light on.
So, enough already... let's see the light! Well I did tell you it's the poor man's version... very poor that is!
This is it. The light is branded Eddie Bauer, and I bought it at Staples. It is actually not very well made, and the output is likely not even as bright as the SPARK on it's lowest setting. Think of this light as in "moon mode" all the time. LOL
Yes that is real, fake leather around the body of the light! It runs on 2-D batteries.
Above and below, size comp with EYE30 and Fenix P30
Anyway I thought you guys would get a kick out of this light. The novelty of it is high, but the reality is that it's kinda a POS. --KartRacer31