With the popularity of knives of late, would it be possible to create a section in the misc. forum for Knife/tool related reviews, questions, and chatter?
Maybe its not taken. Think of all the free knives you’ll get for reviews. Hundreds, you’ll be rich….rich I tell ya!
I think a knife section would be great!
I think a section with pics of naked women would be great, but I dont know if it belongs on a flashlight forum
I guess I don’t care if there is a knife sub-forum, but I’d prefer the knife posts to not show in the ‘Recent Posts’ because I’m here for flashlights, not knives.
I think a separate knife forum (budgetknifeforum.com) would be a better plan.
I agree with pilotdog68. I am interested in knives but if I want to discuss them I go to a dedicated forum, i’m here for the torches.
there is a reason why the “group” is called
…where Frugal meets with Flashlight! ”
I like lights and knives, topics about both in the same place is cool with me.
Maybe we could have a clone section too. haha
Knives and torch go on the same side, so +1 to a special section on this forum.
For me, it better than have in a misc with other gears.
Admin, give us a knives sub forum!!! :bigsmile:
Misc gear seems to not be super-populated by knife threads.
I’m a knife nut, but I’m with Pilotdog68 on this. I’m here for photons not carbides, but can sure understand if others want it. I would suggest bladeforums.com to the guys really wanting to learn stuff about knives, especially if a knife subforum doesn’t materialize here for you. The quantity and quality of knowledge there is hard to beat. Be careful of the brand loyalty though, you can get some pretty big fanboys derailing things.
The main reason I’m not very active there now is a feeling like there are a few too many people there just to argue their point, regardless of whether it’s relevant.
That’s what forums are for.
Yeah, but it’s felt more mature here for the most part. There are a few guys there that just beat a dead horse well past the point where it’s a pile of dust. Makes too many of the threads cluttered with BS that is repeated ad nauseum.
I’m fairly certain that is why KAI closed the Kershaw forum. We would get breaking news and then plenty of B&M when a promised date wasn’t met. I still see posts complaining about paying $5 for shipping back a mail order purchased blade to get warranty service.
These things go in waves, I suppose. It may just be a matter of time before there is a new “world’s largest forum” for a lot of things.