This thread is split-out from How to reflow solder an LED emitter on a PCB or MCPCB., reorganized and updated with new information.
1. What can be improved
There are 2 sources of lumen-loss that can be reduced by improved LED attachment:
- thermal damage during reflow
- thermal resistance
We have not made any quantification of the losses and improvements. All that is available at the time of writing is theoretical calculations based on incomplete data and measurements done on LEDs we don’t use. Therefore for now all improvements are purely hypothetical.
Thermal damage is hard to quantify. The only hard info I found is here:
It shows that 260°C reflow for 10 seconds reduces output of Nichia NS3W183 by 10. Doing it twice is a 12 reduction.
Normally we heat up the LED twice, once during reflow and again (though to lower temperature) when attaching leads.
I’ve seen somewhere that flip-chip LEDs are less susceptible to being damaged like that.
I’ve seen no manufacturer suggesting ways of improving the process to reduce peak temps. I don’t know why. I suspect that normally the effect is less pronounced than with NS3W183.
Reducing thermal damage should improve LED output for all currents all the way from moonlight to turbo.
As to thermal resistance - some LEDs have very small thermal pads for the wattage they push through. The worst affected is XHP35 HI. Osram Oslon Black is quite bad too.
For them even a very thin layer of solder can lead to real increase in die temperature.
Reducing thermal resistance would improve performance at high-turbo modes without notably affecting lower ones.
2. How to reduce thermal damage
There are 4 ways really:
- improve temperature control (some of us do it already, some don’t)
- use a low-temperature solder (note: our regular leaded solder is already better than unleaded SAC305 which most manufacturers recommend. By 37 °C)
- use a conductive glue (note: glues often need high-temperature curing….but not always)
- avoid heating twice
It should be noted that most manufacturers specify maximum junction temp of their LEDs of very roughly 150 °C. There is no point of getting lower than that.
3. How to reduce thermal resistance
Use a better thermal interface material.
It can be:
- glue
- solder
- thermal paste
- some other less popular materials
You can also reduce bond thickness. What is the regular thickness?
I don’t know.
Manufacturers say they recommend choosing stencils which lead to 70-100 µm joint.
We don’t use stencils, which reduces our control over paste application. We compensate by applying pressure during reflow to remove excess solder. It may actually be better than the regular process, but I don’t know…
4. Separation of concerns
Solder between LED and PCB has to perform 3 functions:
- conduct electricity (on electrical pads)
- conduct heat (on thermal pad)
- keep surfaces together (anyhow)
The functions are really independent and can be performed by separate substances.
5. Baseline material: Sn63Pb37
- 183 °C melting temperature
- 50 W/mK conductivity
6. Possible process improvement 1: good temperature control
Some put more or less effort into that already. You should keep your reflow process as close to the reference as possible:
- don’t exceed peak temps
- don’t keep heated-up for longer than needed
- don’t heat up too fast
- don’t cool down too slow
7. Possible process improvement 2: better application of pressure
Now we tend to tap LEDs with our fingers to remove excess solder. This is very inconsistent and introduces the risk of shifting LEDs. Some device applying pressure vertically could allow us to increase pressure and therefore reduce bond thickness.
7. Possible process improvement 3: heat up once
One could use a suitable conductive adhesive to connect the lead wires. Do note that some glues are not resistant to high temperatures. Alternatively one could use Sn42Bi58 solder - 138 °C should be high enough not to unsolder in regular operation (right?) and low enough to not cause damage.
8. Possible material improvement 1: Indium
Indium is a low-temperature solder with extraordinary thermal conductivity as well as good melting temperature.
- thermal conductivity 86 W/mK
- 156.7 °C melting temp
It is not available as solder paste. However:
- it is available as a very expensive wire
- it is available as inexpensive scraps. Are they really pure though?
Also, it’s 26 times weaker than SnPb. It may need some other method of keeping LED and PCB together.
I thing epoxy around the LED die would work well enough. Some clamp would be even better, though harder to implement.
9. Possible material improvement 2: glue + paste
Conductonaut has thermal conductivity of 73 W/mK.
and obviously doesn’t require heating the LED at all.
- it doesn’t glue surfaces together
- can’t withstand > 140 °C, limiting the choice of adhesives
- is there a risk of pump-out?
There are quite a few adhesives which can supplement it for electrical pads.
There is one outstanding though. Cotronics Duralco 120
- electrical resistance low-enough to be meaningless
- large range of working temperatures
- cures at room temperature
I wouldn’t be surprised to find more suitable conductive glues…
10. Possible material improvement 3: UNIMEC H9890-6A glue
Years ago Saabluster used an exotic glue for XR-Es. Now there’s a really interesting glue from the same manufacturer: UNIMEC H9890-6A
- 140 W/mK
- 200 °C curing for 1 hour
- very electrically conductive
- bond thickness as thin as 10 µm
OK, curing temp may be higher than ideal. Or maybe it doesn’t matter?
11. Other thoughts
What does it take to make optical contact bond?