I’m wondering if anyone here know of any good quality alternatives to Taskleds Hyperboost for running 32-36V COB’s, that can provide a little more output power with 10-15V input?
The hyperboost is limited to around 6-7A input, so running it with only 10V in, the output will be limited to around 60W.
If there was a driver out there with similar functionality that could provide up to 90-100W with 10V input, that would be the best for my application. Also, have to mention it’s not going in a flashlight so the driver can be bigger in size, square etc.
I am aware of all the $10 no-name boost converters on Ebay, but I kinda want to avoid them because of unknown quality and perhaps optimistic specs?
Thanks! A product like that was exactly what I was looking for. It looks promising. I will study the datasheet a bit more to see what options I have for dimming on the fly. I forgot to mention that the light will be used for video, so I need really high frequency PWM, or current adjusting to avoid flicker at high frame rates.
Do you actually need dimming? If you only need max output, you houldn’t have any problems with PWM.
Only when you actually want to reduce the brightness this will become an issue.
This driver requires the use of a seperate pwm dimmer module for dimming. If you use the top of the line LED Stripe v4 module, you will be able to use a special firmware that does 14kHz PWM. This has the added benefit that there is no noise.
I used this dimmer in my Project Excalibur light.
Yes, I do need dimming. 10-12K lumens if I for instance go with the new CXB3590 may be a little too much sometimes 14 kHz PWM sounds great, but this special firmware, is that something PCB components provide or is it third party? I did check out the download page, but the latest beta only says 2 kHz?
Yes, they provide it (it’s a one-man company) if you ask via email. You just email him (or send me a PM when you have everything ready). Just make sure to order the USB programmer in addition to the dimmer.
Yeah, I’m aware of those. I actually have the 600W version around here some place. Just not to sure about the quality. On the other hand, maxing out a good driver, vs running a cheap one on half power, could quickly end up in favor of the cheap one.
Probably this one eh? 600W DC-DC boost converter. Youtube review: ★★★★★ - This one is a keeper!
I mean at the right price it certainly wouldn’t hurt to test one out, worst case scenario it doesn’t have the efficiency or performance you’re looking for and you can use it for a different project.