I’d like 5 xm-l, and 5 xp-g.
2.50 × 10 = $25 + $5 for shipping = $30 + 4% = $31.20.
Added another 9 XML & 9 XPG, #21Y88327H8501070E (previous order for 15 & 15 already on the list, as #0W626127KS683382T)
Ill update the 2nd post after work
Another 4 xml + 4 xpg 16mm sinkpads ordered and payment sent = $22.
Please add to original order, thanks for the service.
order update
line 51 before:
dthrckt YES 30XML 15XPG 9WL49840M1764932L
line 51 after:
dthrckt YES 30XML 24XPG 9WL49840M1764932L, 53S15903N73830055
8 x XM-L, 2 x XP-G, S/H to a buddy in the states and 4%, rounded to 31USD.
PayPal Transaction ID: 0YK86400TB175803C
*didn’t change the address, I’ll email you the correct address.
Sounds good guys ill update post 2 tonight and u guys can view it to see if its all correct
Hey nitro can I get 5x XML and 3x XPG?
8 x $2.50 =
+$4 (shipping)
+$1 (fee)
=$25, correct?
Unique Transaction ID # 3AP5668478128392F
12XML + 13XPG = 62.50 + 4.00 SHP+2.66 fee=69.16
PP sent for $70.00 TID# 41X13773033570338
spreadsheet is missing the addition I made HERE
tempted to order more, let us know when you update the spreadsheet.
pp id#:1UM61744V3084912E
4 XML + 4 xpg copper stars ordered, please add/update the spreadsheet with correct info.
Thanks again.
Thinking bout ordering more when is the cut off date to add to an existing order
2nd post updated please everyone who ordered check to see if everything is correct, if not pm me and for the people who did and has not been changed sorry iv been busy
i might close it tomorrow till i get count on the orders
Anyone recall the thickness of these 16 mm's? Couldn't find this info. IOS will be selling 1.6 mm ones by end of April, and I thought ours would be 2mm. Pictures don't seem to be showing in the OP, but not sure if they showed the thickness.
The consensus was 1.6 mm, so that is being made as far as I know
Yes 1.6mm because a lot of people said that it would fit in most of there lights ect…. So I ordered what they wanted
Cool! Was hoping for 1.6 mm because I want to use these SinkPAD's in a lot of EDC lights, and thought 2 mm might be a problem with those small lights.
Yea that’s why I just went with 1.6
Just a bump to let everyone check the spreadsheet once more, the boards will be here tomorrow and ill try to get on them ASAP to get them mailed