Jan 10 UPDATE: Got great news, secured an even better price on these since two members are interested in buying the 1W units! 600mW CTL-HM unit is now $187 SHIPPED DHL to USA!!!
Original post:
6x 600mW units claimed (4 LPF, 2+ here). Waiting on word of discount for 1W professional unit
Hey guys,
I know laser lovers are not that abundant here but figured I’d give you all the chance to join this GB anyways. Figured these might be more attractive than a handheld laser. These are the same style projectors found at concerts, clubs, raves, etc…. Casa projectors are amazing projectors for the cost and you will see photos of what the CTL-HM can do below.
Original GB post can be found HERE on LPF. I dont want to copy all the info here since there is a TON and that way you guys can read what has already been discussed if you want.
The projector the GB is most interested in is the CTL-HM for $209 shipped via DHL to the USA (international shipping has been found to be VERY close in price. ~$12 more to Indonesia, etc….I can get quotes for you within 10 minutes if im online)
Now for the goods!!! (projector is the beam(s) coming from the center of the photo. Beams coming from the left and right are handhelds and use of mirrors and grating) PHOTOS ARE BRUCEMIR’s from LPF
Awesome, so (without going into reading at LPF, lazy me) in a few words: if I would like one for the school I'm working at, schoolparties and so on, can this easily be connected to the P.A. so that it follows the music? And how extensive should the safety measures be for the people who install and handle this?
I am like you, I am also listed as a Member of LPF as Flomotion. I joined a long time ago, but did not participate as much on LPF, as I have done here, so my rating there is very novice. However, I do have many lasers as well as many LED torches. I am an entire noob when it comes to Laser Projectors, but, with your assistance in this forum, I would like to participate in the GB. So, PM me — one which one seems to be a go. Hopefully, we could work through this forum, okay. I may lean on you as to how to best operate the gadget, if that is okay, also… :nerd_face:
Yeah we can work through here but I posted the LPF thread incase people want to read what was already discussed.
Safety measures for installing these are practically none. Just make sure the beams are above the heads of the dancers
These do have Auto mode so it will constantly cycle through the different beam modes and patterns but it also has sound mode which does mirror the beat of the music. These projectors are DMX controllable so they can be hooked to a DJ’s DMX controller and then you have 100% control over the beams, patterns, combined colors etc……
Safety for those who handle it should be high. This is a laser and lasers are delicate so obviously dont drop it, smack it against stuff, etc…. As long as it is securely either hung from pole or attached to a sturdy base then it should be good to go. I know when I was in high school and we had a DJ for the dance they often brought light stands. These projectors have brackets (shown below) so you can attach them to a light stand or anything else you can work up. they can be mounted vertical or horizontal (obviously horizontal will rotate the images 90 degrees so when mounted this way its best just to use the beam patterns)
I am assuming you two are interested in the CTL-HM (600mW version) since we already have 3 units ‘claimed’. You are not limited to this unit but it does have the best discount ATM due to getting a better price for 5 units. If we get 5 units of that and you want something else please let me know and I can ask for a discount on multiple projectors.
Any specific questions please let me know. If you would like a copy of the user manual to take a look at then let me know. BTW DONT BE AFRAID of the dip switches on the back. They really only come into play if you are connecting multiple projectors in line using DMX to control them. The only two switches used by 99% of people are the last two and its either both on or one on one off (forget which is for which mode but its for auto and sound modes) i posted what controls what in the LPF thread so I can help you out when that time comes. BUT normally if you use auto, you will always use auto. You might use sound put to get there its one switch flipped……easy!
The professional unit makes it easier since its has a nice LCD screen and buttons to switch modes but thats more expensive.
I suggest you at least go to the LPF thread to check out the models available and the prices. The current CTL-HM with 3 or 4 (if i get two) units claimed is $209 shipped via DHL and is a 600mW (combined) RGB projector. The $128 shipped unit is a single color (red or green iirc) and its a low end model. The 600mW model is the one shown in the photos above. Please keep in mind those photos were taken with some fog in the air to really bring out the beams (i suggest using a fog machine at the dances, THAT would be amazing! If my school had one of these back when I was there then I’d go to EVERY DANCE!)
Holograph- 1. A document written wholly in the handwriting of the person whose signature it bears.
I believe you mean holograms?
VIDEO OF THE 280mW version but I think it does a great job of showing both the designs and beams. Casa projectors are most known for their beams and not images. Although they can do images well, there are better projectors out there for JUST images and you will spend over $500 for those. The Casa professional unit might be better at images but I dont know anyone who has that unit to confirm this and im having trouble finding a video of it
Skip to 3:00 to see what those patterns look like when you face the unit. This can also do the stock figures and images that are programed on the unit. The professional unit has ILDA and SD card slot so you can download endless images and get them on the projector (as long as the images are available and fit on the SD card, they will project)
EDIT: this is how the images look on a Casa projector.
Ok, I will commit to the 600mw unit. I would appreciate it, if you would in the future send me a SD card (which I will pay for) with some cool holograms, okay? Let me know if you are going to upgrade to the next level unit, I want to have the same unit as you, so you can help me…
I’m getting the 600mW version but that doesn’t have the sd slot. Its only loaded with the images that come with the unit. The 1W and 2W professional units are the ones with SD cards. They are easier to operate and have more power. I would grab a 1W but not sure if I can get a discount on it. I’m going to send a email to casa and see if we can have like 4x 600mW and 1 (or 2 if you want a 1W) and be able to keep the 600mW discount along with get a diacount on the 1W units.
1W unit is $438 shipped before discounts so didn’t think many people would want to spend this kind of cash the 600mW is the best deal available IMO. The beams from it are insane, as you can see in the photos, and its quite the good price. The pros to the 1W are obviously the increased power, sd card slot and ILDA which is what the pros use to create custom laser shows. Youd need a laser software on your pc but then you would be able to litterally do anything with this projector.
Exactly….for the $$ you cant beat it. LPF just had another projector GB (really glad I didnt join since after it ended I found out some things that didnt really add up between the company and the GB). Anyways I dont want to get into that whole fiasco but that GB had 500mW units for $515 shipped DHL and a 320mW unit for $248 shipped DHL. The only up side to those units are the red was 638nm rather than 650nm HOWEVER 638nm units are NOT worth and extra $200+ thats just crazy talk!
Like I said, I was going to join that GB and glad I didnt, not only for the price differences I found afterwards but also they got some “unacceptable” units IMO. Opting out of that GB is what made me want to look into doing my own. These companies are more than happy to drop their prices to get more orders, which is GREAT news for us but when your prices are already great, we dont get as big a discount as if I did it through LaserKing (company used in other GB and I got lower prices than what the other GB had but still $100s more than these)
So the beam should be above eyes, and thats easy when for example, all the beams are in horizontal position, but what when they’re in a circle or other different formation? Better not use those modes on a party?
Not necessarily true. They have a 60-65 degree angle to the scanner so 30-32.5 degrees each way, thus you’d only need to angle the unit up 32 degrees if on floor level and even less if its raised in the air. Its hard to say exactly the angle since it depends on how high these are mounted or placed. You’d need to place the unit, turn it on, and have someone stand at the end of the room (facing the other way so they dont get nailed in the eyes) and adjust angle/height as needed. The point of the scanner is to scatter the light into lines, thus lessening the intensity of the beam.
The most intense part of the beam is at the center, straight out. As the beams go outward from the center, they are less intense due to the scanner “wiggling” and spreading the beam. (sorry I am really struggle for the right words right now. I feel kinda dumb haha since I know exactly what Im trying to say but cant word it properly Ill be updating this post as I re-read it and figure out better wording
FYI this GB is a go no matter what. We have 4 buyers on LPF and 2+ buyers here so that puts us over the 5 units needed
This will most likely close before Jan 20 due to people getting impatient and wanting their units, I dont blame them D:
Got a reply on the 1W discount but it wasnt anything helpful. I guess I confused them so they just wanted me to restate my question
Anyways I took the time to add questions about finalizing the GB and payment so once I get that back we should be 95% ready to end the GB whenever we want
600mW CTL-HM is now $187 shipped DHL to the USA! I was able to secure a better discount since two members want the 1W unit woot woot me! Sorry had to brag a little, retail was $220 shipped, got it to $209 shipped and now $187 shipped $33 doesnt seem like a whole ton but when similar units are $515 shipped, we have to be happy!!!
So are these photos of the $187 unit? What type of warranty do these units have and so do you have any experiance with their customer service department if there is any problems along the way?
GOOD NEWS; we can individually pay through paypal No need for me to collect all the money and send it as a lump sum.
Everyone who is interested in buying one of these; Flomotion and Ricflair said they were in Djozz and Koyotee, seems like you two are on the fence, Heggood also, so keep this in mind if you do join so you can get me this info. Please send me a PM with the requested info so I can compile all the buyers info and get it sent to Casa. Casa will be sending each buyer an invoice. PLEASE check the invoice amounts and if there is any problem please PM me or post here so I can get it corrected. I dont anticipate any issues but they are sending out 7+ invoices and for a few different styles so make sure the price is correct. I am buying a few units
Yes the photos shown were taken with the CTL-HM (600mW unit that is $187 shipped) and some fog/smoke
I have not had any experience with the customer service other than organizing this group buy. They have been VERY good at responding. This time of day is the best for communication with them. Tonight alone I’ve gone back and forth with them 5 times, ridiculously good for a foreign company. English isnt the best but it is darn good! I only confused them once but that was my fault. Put too many questions into one paragraph and was jumping all over the place out of excitement lol
To be completely honest, that is the one question I havent been asked or thought of. I just sent an email to Casa to confirm the warranty and I am currently reading through the manual to see if its listed in there. I will post the answer as soon as I know. Brucemir, the owner of those photos, has had his unit for 2 months and he uses it REGULARLY, I mean every weekend. He hasnt had a single problem with it. He didnt buy it direct through Casa though. He bought it off a reseller on ebay and paid $265 shipped iirc, yes $265 shipped (i just checked the link to the item he sent me when i was originally talking to him about quality and where he got it from).